New Tracer Blink

LOTS of talk about Echo today, which is to be expected, but I haven’t seen anyone talking about the new Tracer QoL buff.

It’s kind of neat to just blink past boxes and stuff on the map. Reminds me of the Bob doorway change.

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It’s a lot less innocuous than it seems. Now she can essentially climb terrain using her blinks and gain access to high ground that shut her down before. Her blinks are still pretty limited, but a lot of heights can be achieved from one or two blinks.


I put a thread in the ptr forum about it. I think it’s a lot more than just being able to blink past boxes.

(you can actually do that last clip with 2 blinks in a few different ways, it just looks goofiest with that example :laughing:)

You know when Pharah had her jump-jets buffed so she felt lighter? That’s what the change feels like. Now every blink carries you a bit upwards by 1 jump worth of height, whereas in the past you just continued to fall down.

I hope they don’t take it away. It looks ridiculous when you compare side-by-side examples of what she can do on the ptr vs live, but in reality I think it’ll only make a huge difference against snipers. To me, that’s where tracer should be good.

edit: is gfycat a trusted site or did I just get trust level 3? :eye:


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Good. I’m glad that support and tank players are too busy complaining about hero bans and echo, the last thing I want is another “Tracer doesn’t need buffs” campaign

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I just quit being a support and became a hitscan player. Fixed all of my problems. EZ

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I love this change! Sometimes the walls in Overwatch seems like they’re painted with glue, and this is especially an issue when playing Tracer. This also gives Tracer some vertical movement, which she was lacking compared to other dps heroes such as Genji, Hanzo, Ashe, Widowmaker, Reaper, and even Mei.

With Echo also in the game, this could mean a return to dive meta!

oh boy now shes gonna be better going into backline. thats a nono for me

I’m sure it’ll surface when people start seeing Tracer players climb up walls to kill them. The actual patch notes are pretty disingenuous in telling people what they changed.


Fun and scary. Guess I ain’t safe at the high ground of Numbani anymore lol

oh a good flagged comment before bedtime, yikes for you


Can’t wait for the buff to go live, gonna have so much fun shredding supports.


This mostly effects people in the way back like Widow, moreso than supports.