New torb is just a better roadhog now

just saying, his spread has been reduced where is hog’s spread reduction? i am going to main torb now far better than hog


Probably want to wait on that until Torb can pull you towards him from 20 meters away.

Really though, all shotguns should get the Doomfist treatment IMO. Way too much randomness.


that is true but he is going to still be so much stronger than roadhog, his new ult will be so much better than whole hog

Torb has a turret and better range, and can turn thicc when he needs to.


roadhog is still thiccer but both are good

I… don’t think these two will be fighting for the same spot, at all. They have completely different functions, the only similarity is a shotgun attack.

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both have CC ults but one has a good CC ult the other doesnt, one has a consistent shotgun with not much spread the other has a shotgun with a huge spread

I think they could be in direct competition with each other.

They have zoning ultimates, but the method of zoning is completely different. Roadhog is more about pushing enemies away, Torb is more about covering ground. Their shotguns are completely different, with Torb being more about conventional shotgunning while Roadhog’s is more a compliment to his hook-combo. You can’t really compare them unless you want to include every shotgunner into the discussion.

A DPS with an auto-aim turret as their main gimmick… is not competing with a tank with a grapple-into-death hook as their main gimmick. They will not be fighting for the same position but I would love to at least hear why you’d think that.

At most they might fight over their zone potential, but it’s hardly a direct competition when their methods of creating pressure are just totally different. Even if the two were at odds with each other, their kits are so different that it would be very dependent on your comp, the enemy comp, and the map before it would be a direct comparison of the two.


Newbjorn’s overload will let him enforce areas. His turret and rivet gun give him versatile range and constantly pressure the enemy team with damage. The turret also acts as an anti-mobility hero tool. Like Roadhog, he’ll spend most of the match behind cover or a barrier, but unlike Roadhog, he doesn’t feed like an all you can eat buffet when he does get aggressive.
All he lacks is a kill combo, but I don’t think he needs it.

Molten core will charge faster than before and provides better area denial and lethality than Whole Hog.

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They’ll both be anti dive, their ultimates will zone and they are both shield breakers. Virtually the same character.

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to be fair roadhog is meant to be anti dive while torb actually will be anti dive

Torbjorn does not have self-healing, does not have nearly as much hitpoints as Roadhog, and most importantly, does not have a stun.

He cannot stop enemies from shooting. He cannot interrupt channels. He cannot take an enemy who was in position, and pull them to a place where they are out of position.

They are different heroes.

That is true but torb is going to be so much better than hog

Hog is a unkillable monster, having a slightly better shotgun doesn’t even get close to that.

its not exactly slightly better its a lot better and you are forgetting about his much lower hitbox than hog’s and his 150 armour(plus 30% speed increase, much better attack power ect) every 12 seconds, he can survive a lot more than you expect

Torb got a spread reduction before reaper did. That’s honestly just sad. :woman_shrugging:


“New torb is just a better roadhog now”

Unfortunately not a very high mountain to climb, even for someone of Torbs stature. :confused:

Feel like I should definitely add Roadhog to the list of characters that actually need attention right now.


Sadly he will just get ignored

Well thats because youve been using him as a DPS not a tank, try to tank as Torb.