That is literally only a viable strategy on one phase of one map.
I 10000% will be there to support this. I might be a newer Rein main on the scene but even tonight with everyone out of comp its just so… Impossible to do my job. And now this? I’m honestly devastated at the game right now.
If all the tanks keep getting hammered by the meta, that means the devs can finally buff ana without the fear of an oppressively dominant tank meta
I mean if sym is right in front of you shooting lasers at your shield why are you not attacking her?
I think they said the wanted to increase her range a bit but I doubt it’s completely out of reach…
Interesting, you think people are going to keep crying now that she needs to aim? Probably going to ask for a range reduction.
yeah specially with that movement speed boost they gave her… wait…
yes this seems reasonable except for a tiny detail… Rein can put his shield down and avoid letting her feed off of it
don’t get me wrong I do agree Reinhardt needs defensive buffs but sym is not going to be the end of him
Proof? Bastion is still the least picked hero btw, and he’s been decreasing each and every day…
That’s right, I forgot Reinhardt used his shield to protect those soldiers on his video short that have no guns and all they do is hide in fear…
really now, if you are protecting a soldier or whatever, I’m pretty sure he can kill sym BEFORE Rein’s shield break. The argument that she has team behind her also applies to Reinhardt, he has a team behind himself and it’s his team duty to avoid sym darting around succing his shield
Rich, can you help me with a Bastion one too? Bastion is suffering just as much, and to think Rein is being hurt without the most lethal rein-killer in the game being played.
Every thread where Bastion is brought up, people act like each payload map is full of Bastions and pirate ships which is false because he’s the least picked hero in the game.
I want Bastion buffed too, but that would only be the Tombstone for rein’s grave, which he doesn’t need.
This power creep and feature creep makes me sick.
I salute you, because I’m in the same boat.
I’m fed up with this power creep and feature creep. It hurts tanks and a few other of the balanced-base heros, like Pharah. There’s no real reason to pick Pharah over Junk now because Junk is just that good.
Then look at Bastion. A year of being in the dust and it’s the worst time for tanks, period. If he comes back, which I want him to but not to trash the tanks, then tanks would be obsolete. So far gone that Rein is only remembered for being in a short.
It’s depressing…
look there’s a secret here, learn how to use words
asking for a bastion buff is CRAZY since all of his numbers are already super high, what you want though is a power shift or ultimately a rework (which I doubt you want tbh) if you want Bastion to become more relevant I would start by identifying what you want to take AWAY from him and then where you would add that power he lost back
Message me when you’re about to. I’d like to give some input on it.
Why not? you don’t say why it is unacceptable.
She is not even that good at shield killer, Junkrat, Bastion is better
kneejerk reaction
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But having high numbers in theory doesn’t mean he’s balanced in reality.
His pickrate proves his damage doesn’t do anything.
Just like how Rein having the biggest barrier in the game doesn’t make him the strongest Tank.
If it makes Bastion better, then yes. I actually have my own rework idea that would make him “heavier” than 76, which would add a nice contrast between the two. The only problem is that most of the players who don’t play Bastion think he’s fine, and when I suggest anything, even a rework, all I get is the pirate ship excuse, or that his damage is the highest in the game, or some other lame excuse.
I would be more than glad to, but the only problem is that it doesn’t belong in this thread.
Unless he gets promoted out of his niche of ‘tank killer’…
Ideally, I want Sentry and Tank to be flipped, so he transforms into a tank rather than a sentry turret. With that comes some other micro-balancing but that’s the premise I want.