New Symmetera is a Massive Nerf

Which is why I am afraid that she is just going to counter everything that isnt dive.

Running a Reinhardt or Orisa into Symmetra is going to be bad, while Winston still curbstomps her into oblivion.


It irritates me how people jump to conclusions before the changes even begin to exist.

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I think it looks very powerful.

With no defensive ability or Maneuverability she will be dead in seconds.

What kept her alive thus far was her Autolock beam - constantly whittling away at the enemy.

Now she has to use Zaraya’s beam without Zaraya’s massive health pool and without Zaraya’s barrier. While still moving at the same speed as Zaraya.


The beam is wider than Zarya’s though

I don’t think it’s 4 seconds of perfect aim. There will be a build up to it, every second you hit a target counts towards the build up. So long as you hit a target every second you increase the damage. Also hitting barriers doesn’t cost ammo, it in fact regenerates ammo. Also, her damage is being increased. She was capped at 120 now her damage goes up to 130 after two seconds and 195 after 4 seconds.

It’s a constant 100% charge Zarya beam, I see that as super strong. If you can aim, they’re dead.

So basically, what you’re saying is:

“Based on some vague descriptions (a few paragraphs) from the devs, literally zero playtime, and conveniently leaving out some important details, I’ve concluded it’s worse”

Oh, okay…


They’re not done iterating on her yet, they might choose to make up for her lack of defense with drastically increased range or increased health or both.

Do consider that she now has a beam weapon that is “thick” that she can aim at Pharah, also be mindful that she now can shoot turrets around pharah to stick to walls near her limiting her ability to fly.

No - they just said the beam is thick, nothing about it being thicker than Zaraya’s.

So if it is thick - it will be short.
If it is thin it will be long.

It won’t be both thicker and longer.

She used to reach 120 after 2s previously.
Also all beam weapons are based on ticks not a single hit.
Meaning hitting the enemy isn’t enough, it is like Mei you need to do a full 1s to reach the next level.

Meaning a full 2s the beam has to be on that target.

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How I would have done it:

Primary Attack:
Same as is now, but have it charge up based on accuracy. The more accurate, the faster the charge up.

3 healing turrets. Turret will shoot a beam at an ally nearby, healing them. Can only heal one target at a time.

All other things can be the same as they are or changed. I never really thought that much out. The important things were her primary being more appropriate rather than just a skillless jump spam and kill fest and giving her an actual healing ability given she’s a support.

They said it’s both thick and will have an increased range.

I think that means it reaches the entire map.

Thick doesn’t mean it automatically becomes bigger than Zaraya’s.
Increased range could mean anything above 7m.

Meaning it could be 7.5m or 8m.

The current visual beam is as thick as Zarya’s visual beam. Going off of that (as that’s all there is to go off of currently), it’s implied that if it’s made thicker, it would be thicker than Zarya’s. Either way, he explicitly said “thick”, meaning it will be intentionally not that hard to hit.

Symmetera’s current beam literally has no thickness. That is purely visual fx.
The damage is direct to target and everything inbetween is visual fluff.

There are only 3 Beams that “thickness” is relevant

  • Mei
  • Zaraya
  • Moria’s ultimate.

Yes, that’s why I said visual beam.

It also recharges ammo and charges damage on barriers. So aim at a barrier for 4 seconds and you’ll be doing 195 dps with possibly full ammo.

Turrets also have increased health (about 30) and cannot be destroyed until they deploy on a wall.

It means it gets placed the same way Mei’s barrier does, but makes a barrier that crosses the entire map. So, for instance, if Symmetra is at spawn for defender point A on Anubis, she can make a barrier in between point A and the attacker’s spawn if she has good map knowledge, potentially saving her entire team from a d.Va bomb, dead-eye, tactical visor, or an attacking Widowmaker shooting at the point without even being there.

This rework is in no way a nerf.

Why not?

As clever as you are, you have already noticed that Sym has less health than Zarya. I would wager a guess that Blizzard is well aware of that fact as well.

Sooooo would it not be at least possible that as compensation for being less tanky than zarya, they would make her beam longer/wider to compensate?

You know sort of balance her beams ranges/size/dps around the fact that she has less HP than zarya. No escape abilities like other heroes, not even so much as a movement ability. Nah they wouldnt possibly do that…

But hey, keep assuming as much as possible, maybe you will be right.