New Symmetera is a Massive Nerf

I said it is weak against 80% of the cast actually and strong against tanks.
So nope, still rock solid.

I mean, that is the case for all hero’s. Including Zen. If Zen is killed (which you claim he dies very often) his discord and harmony do not remain on his targets. His value is removed the moment he dies.

This really depends. You may be right if the deploy speed is the same as current. For all we know the deploy speed for her teleport may be increased to make it more viable for mid fights as well. But that is all up in the air. Being that as it may you cannot deny the power of taking the high ground in fights is and can be the ultimate determining factor in winning a team fight.

Even if the use of an ability is only at the beginning of a fight the value it brings can carry the rest of the fight home.

The answer is not a clear no at all. It is dependent on the map, the composition of your team, and the composition of the enemy team. This creates different win conditions.

If the win condition is a pick on a specific target that is not behind a barrier then sure widow is a great choice.

If the win condition is splitting the enemies attention then sure Tracer is a good choice.

However, the game has lacked a hero who can make taking the high ground for your entire team easy as pie. Many times that has been the win condition and the only option has been dive. With the way teleport seems to work in the rework this provides a entirely new way to deploy your team in a good spot.

I can already see turning the first choke of Eichenwalde against the defensive team by instantly deployinga rein/bastion combo on the archway on top of the choke.

So if the win condition is taking the superior position sym now fills that role for slower comps.

Sym literally doesnt have the hp, mobility or survivability to have a tracking beam instead of the lock-on. In fact, after the rework she has LESS survivability, and her skill expression on using Photon Barrier is removed completly because she cant block rockets, flashbangs or junkrat’s damage, or AoE Ults.

People claiming that Sym’s primary fire is what made her ‘‘bad’’ doesnt understand that the new one wont fix ANYTHING that the previous one couldnt do. Blizz wont allow her to have a beam that reaches Pharah. At no point Sym’s kit suffered because of her gun, as the gun itself already had enough weaknesses like low range on an inmobile squishy (that she still is).

She is still going to be horrible vs Pharah, Junkrat, WInston, etc, but no longer counters Genji or Lucio. She is still going to be hardcountered hard but no longer counter the few heroes she was allowed to threaten or scare away.

This rework is garbage and the only way its going to be viable is when Blizz overbuffs her into OPness out of arrogance and promptly nerfs her because OWL.


Thank you. This is what I’ve been saying (about her new primary anyway, I’m withholding judgement on the rework as a whole). Glad to hear other people have the same concern.

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Yeah so going from niche hero to alot less of a niche hero.
No problem there.


You haven’t even played her, ffs stop making up stuff you have no idea of based on a few comments from the devs that might or might not even make it in to the final version.

This is what they said about Valk too.

How about we wait and see what she can really do mmkay?

Did you miss the part where if the devs dont see criticisms, right now, as of why any kind of removing Sym’s lock-on while NERFING her survibability is a bad idea, they will think its a good idea?

I can understand the concern. if they only increased it by a single meter (to 8m from 7m) it may not be enough. However, I have a feeling that it is going to extend several meters past that of Winston’s (who is also 8m).

The range of her primary would need to be something that allows her to use tanks as cover which I think would be in the 10-12m range. I honestly believe the OW team has considered this and will likely ensure she can perform her primary fire consistently enough in the context of being in cover with her tanks.

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No one said Valk at any point was a nerf lol

In fact, Mercy mains imediately said that Mercy could be OP with a fixed CD res and a no brainer invunerability mode if it ended up live.

And thats what happened.


I hope so. The interaction with barriers is definitely an interesting mechanic (albeit somewhat niche). Time will tell how it all comes together. My other main concerns are that I love the piercing of her orbs currently and Photon Barrier is such a great and skillful ability that I will definitely miss having.

Also Sym needed to counter mobility, not be a worse shieldbuster that Junkrat with even more unreliable damage and zero mobility.


Reminder that everyone OP said is only what we heard from the devs. OP has ZERO play time on new Symm. Also new Symm will likely get many more adjustments before we even see her on PTR. The devs are still trying things.

@krojack Well I have like 70 hours on Sym and 10 years of experience dealing with Blizz’s devs bullcrap like this and I fully share OP’s opinion so really shut up.

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Which is why the team will try to protect him more than they will try to protect Symmetera in a composition. The main point being though, if he dies that easily, Symmetera has no chance - when the entire team tries to defend their healer and still loses him.

I am not, if it is Portal Gun style instant teleporters I will be insanely happy.
I know it won’t be because it will OP beyond measure, so I am being reasonable.
1s root in place as it summons the teleporter with a 10s+ cd sounds reasonable for an ability that can teleport the entire team.

The only good condition she will have is if enemy is running a Rein + Orissa combo she will become invaluable. That is not a combo often seen as D.Va Winston is generally better. The problem being it makes her extremely situational and not useful otherwise.

I want her Rework to make her Robust not situational. That is why I will gladly drop her M2 attack for a Mobility move.

It is a massive problem, she can only fight on enemy type effectively, and even that only 2 of the tanks only have shields.

Valk had nothing to compare it to. we have existing abilities to compare it to.
Also most Mercy players hate valk thanks to all the nerfs. So if your point was you are wrong, you proved it quite well. Not sure why you wanted to disprove your self though.

This is a discussion on facts we know, and concerns are being raised before they commit to the changes. What you need is a reminder that once those changes are decided by the developers, and animation and art has started. There is no going back.

Do you realize that? It was a Rhetorical question, you didn’t.

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Old Symmetra

30 + 60 + 120 = 210 damage in 3 seconds

New Symmetra;

65 + 65 + 135 = 265 damage in 3 seconds


I can understand loving an ability. I for one miss mass rez on mercy (not because I played mercy) but I also understand the need for change. Heck, I despise Hanzo’s scatter arrow but I am going to miss moments like this…

I can understand Sym players being attached to the current mechanics of a character but I do believe we need to stop fearing change to hero’s. It is very likely that all the hero’s in this game will eventually be entirely different a few years from now do to the ever shifting nature of this game.

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Yeah this alone is enough of an indicator of what you know about the game.

Just wait for a first look of a more finalized product before calling doomsday.

You could still wait till she’s on PTR before you make these claims.

Awh sweetheart.

I’d agree with you

But then we’d both be wrong <3