New sym today? next week?




Thank you for taking the time to work through the bugs! I’m excited for the changes, but I definitely want the famous Blizzard polish on them. I’m willing to be patient for that.

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Is Hero 28 going to be teased soon? Or is the new Sym taking up all resources?


For the OWL finals or not. :grin:

Probably next month.

Jeff, I know you’re happy about the changes but can you tell us why you decided to give up on Symmetra being in the support category?

A long time ago it was stated that not all supports need to be able to heal too support the team. Was there no alternative too buffing her shields to act different from “Normal” shields?


But we should see a tease or something very soon, within 3 weeks so that Hero 28 can hit the PTR early July and have 3 weeks on the PTR before a July 20-31 release. Brigitte was revealed late February and hit the game live in late March.

Don’t forget poor Doomfist; his ult sometimes doesn’t do any damage. There seems to be an issue with AOE attacks in general, Junkrat’s tire doesn’t do full damage, Symmetra’s right click doesn’t do full damage sometimes, etc.

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Lately we have been getting the teases the week before they release it to PTR (at least with Moira and Brigitte).

That’s what I’m saying… we should have something very soon if Hero 28 is sticking to the typical new hero release pattern. Brig was revealed late Feb and hit live game late March. It’s about that time… I don’t see it happening this time though.

Please take a look to Moira, make her healing through barriers a feature, She Needs It or She Will become useless against barriers, and Mercy Will become even more dominant and a must pick.
Please, Moira is perfectly balanced with Healing through barriers

What about moira that can’t heal even if barrier touches just one pixel of her healing hitbox


Sitting here on console like


The turrets got buffed from 30DPS to 50DPS

It would help to know before if an patch comes today at all. ^^" So I can keep my PC on for instance while doint other stuff (have slow Internet). Sadly, Blizzard usualy releases patch-notes AFTER a patch went live so nobody knows in advance if a patch comes or not.

thanks. Btw this game need another “dwarf” hero. Torbjörn is the smallest and he is alone. Something little but annoying, like fluffy Gremlin or something like that =)

Are you also still working on bug fixes for other heroes?

You’ve said few months ago, that you want to give some kind of rewards to people who are active on PTR testing.
How about to move our endoresments level progress to live servers when update will come?

Are you fixing Sombras bugs as well?


Any mention about the Bug with the “Fix” you applied to Moira where her primary heal is totally disabled standing near any enemy barrier or mei wall?

Cuz barely any answer from Devs in the PTR forums about this issue it threaten to totally broke a hero. please dont apply this fix and try fix “later”.