New Support Hero "VEX"

i mean one of her skins is “atomic the vexhog”

yea right lol

I think he is trolling people.

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woa im interested in that game now

edit: nvm… dead 4 years ago. reading steam comments. guess there is a lot of “unkown” hero shooters that have come and gone

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I am gonna be so disappointed when the next hero isn’t a male hero lol. Ugh.

We are never going to get another young or attractive male hero ever again I think.

Does OW2, really?

/ 20 friggen chars

Another “she”? Can we have an “it” ?

Looks extremely fake, almost like a fortnite skin

…doesn’t look real tbh and as others have mentioned, seems to be Widowmaker-esque…? :thinking:

Wow. I didn’t know Blizzard changed their UI and background to be exactly like the game PWND.

i would make a joke about representation of white males in the support cast but i won’t bc i honestly could not care less. but still enough to mention i would like to say it.

slowing everything down makes 0 sense
enemies move slower, your teammates move slower too? like why even do anything in the first place? unless you combo with a ult? lmao

imho as others said it, nothing in that pic reminds me of overwatch.

Lotus: Origins

Badass fem fatale support ? I’ll take it anytime and I hope it’s true and wasn’t this supposed to be lucios ult when he was created

With this info, these sentences become so awkward

I am risking so much here but I don’t really care about the consequences because this is just too insane

mate, did…you not read the rest of this thread?

I think you meant: Vexx - star of the PS2 era 3D platformer game. I think that’s way more likely than this character…

“Slenderman’s Lament”

Shame on you for not reading the skin names, OP.

it looks like a dps hero. i wouldnt mind if they reworked widowmaker to be like this hero. i would forget about the sniper era

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that doesnt look very legit and liekly only a rumor if you look at the formatting of the screenshot you can tell things are off for sure

its a screenshot from a hero shooter game called pwned that died four years ago. that hero is called vex

Hey its beta genji good to see they are keepong the idea for support

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