New Skin Challenge Format

More than likely, a PVE event will pop up in the arcade later this week. You can farm easy wins on Junkenstein or Storm Rising when it appears. Shouldn’t be an issue to get the required games in then.


yeah I’ve done my chores for this week

… and now I hate overwatch

the dailies and world quest crap was the reason I quit WoW

Wins should’ve been 3 pts, tbh. I know, can’t be pick and choose with this, grateful they changed the system at all, but lengthening the process overall at the cost of making it more available… eh.

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it should switch to junkenstein later tonight actually…so if you want some guaranteed wins today and tomorrow are a good time to farm

9 wins for Arcade games to get 3 loot boxes yes.

For the event items each week:

9 games for each tier for a total of 27.

if you won every game, you will need to win 14 straight games (or 13 straight wins and end with a loss) to unlock all 3 tiers. 9 straight wins only gets you a total of 18 games. You are not getting 2 games counted in addition to your win, just getting 2 instead of 1 each time you win.

Winning 9 matches is drop dead easy in certain modes, especially when the anniversary update includes PvE events.


Well for people like myself, I only really play CTF and Total Mayhem these days, and during events those two modes are available far less frequently - commonly once per 4 days, sometimes maybe once or twice for the entire duration of the event. In such cases I often have to grind modes I dont want to play. This change increases the amount i likely have to grind per week.


I mean, i just done challange by playing arcade, and im yet to get 9 wins…

So that… uh… 9 times 3… wins count as two… that’s 14 and half wins.

It’s great for players who get a 27+ losing streak!

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seems like they’ve adjusted the KPIs to include number of games/hours played, instead of just “monthly active users”

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I was pretty much ready to rage until I realized that losses count now as well. So it’s not that bad. Because it’s pretty darn rare you’re gonna win 9 matches in a row anyways. I mean, it happens (I have had 10+ win streak in QP), but I’d not say it’s common.


People who actually like the game?

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I like the game too. Otherwise I wouldn’t play it most days.


I doesn’t matter…still works out to the same usually have to play 25-30 games of qp/mystery hero to get my 9wins anyway…


a little more grindy
but im fine with it
since I never had problems with winning games in the past and I play a good amount still

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guys…its up to 17 now…it might just be my greatest streak ever…i…dont…know…what…is…happening


Don’t tell this guy that you are stealing his wins :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh so the amount of games needed anyways due to forced losses?

If you weren’t using arcade to farm boxes during events you were being inefficient and still are people just looking to complain

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I’m grinding via normal mode Junkenstein for them now in order to guarantee getting 2 credits each time, but 14 matches is a lot of Junkenstein.

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