New Skin Challenge Format

I’ve played 6 hours today and still have yet to get even a single win. I’ll hit 40+ hours by the time the week is over, and still ZERO loot boxes. Mark my words.

No such thing.

It’s all in your head.

Yeah when I saw the new weekly event requirements. The first thing that came to mind was this must be to boost some numbers for shareholder meetings.

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It’s called looking at the match history / replay menu.

Just play PVE on easy

Backfilled games where you join and lose within 2 seconds also count lmao


Lol ikr. I hope those people are happy now. :expressionless: :expressionless:

I think they should make a win = 3 point. That is better.


The losses aren’t being forced on you.

It means the MMR is working and you’re being matched at the level you’re supposed to be at.

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You’re upset about losses. That’s understandable.

But don’t jump to conspiracy theories to explain your misfortune.

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You mean the problem a lot of others are having as well? Blizzard has no idea how to fix the matchmaking after all these years so they went with this solution instead as a band-aid.

The most annoying thing they have ever done for this game is locking cosmetic epic quality skins behind these goofy 1-week challenges and keeping them rarer than legendaries. All of it is wrong but this is a step in the right direction. Having to try hard and win because if you don’t you’ll miss out probably is just wrong, some of us want it that day so we don’t have to stress later on.

I’d rather play 27 full games most of which I will lose anyways than to have to win 9. The points could be lower and the number of games required a bit lower too but ultimately this whole system is flawed anyways. These skins should not be rare.

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This is great news for the guy on the 35 loss streak. Now, he can at least get a cool new costume for his efforts!


Sigh. If it was still 9 wins I would have got all the week items in LESS than an hour by playing lucioball remix and winning by 10 points.

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There should be actual challenges.
‘‘Hit 20 headshots in 1 game as McCree’’ or ‘‘Shut down 3 ultimates’’

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Is cat girl Sombra giving you superpowers? :joy:

thats where i stopped…im expecting quite the opposite today