New Roadhog Buff posted just now

I lost a math team trophy because of that. :frowning:
I didn’t even get the trophy when the mistake was found.

Oh well, sorry for that. Some mistakes can not be reverted.

I won a 500 euros prize once and I couldnt receive it because of a human mistake.

But with roadhog at least we can enjoy the news.

He didn’t have falloff damage, but if you’re playing at such an extreme distance that it matters, you’re not playing appropriately. The addition of an improved falloff make the change pretty negligible.

There’s also massive improvements to his Hook consistency and headshots. Now that all of the pellets that hit the head count as crits (instead of a buggy “all-or-nothing” system), Roadhog will be getting kills much more consistently and dealing more damage to enemies at medium ranges.

Yes, you don’t have falloff, but having a couple of pellets land as headshots gives you BETTER damage than not getting those headshots, but with no falloff.

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I’d rather see damage increased, and spread increased a bit too.
Reward people for barrel stuffing.

Make shotguns considerably better in close, not “slightly less terrible” at medium ranges.

Buff?This is not even a noticeable buff…

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I think thos tiny buff will be usefull to shoot speedy Lucios after being hooked, and to spam at chokepoints.

Roadhog will do more damage at hook range. It can help for hook combos. Not a lot, just a bit… But we roadhog mains only claimed for hook fix and slight buffs.

why would you be playing that extreme distance with a shotgun, fam?
At that point just swap over to Orisa and have infinite barriers and a longer ranged weapon.

that was already there before. And im glad thats being implemented but this honestly wont fix him from being UP tbh.

thats implying the hook drop off isnt RNG because the only hook fix that happened was the random breaks.

why is roadhog getting fall off damage on a target 3 meters away from him?

that doesnt matter if you right click those lucios and the only time you’ll need to focus a lucio down that hard as roadhog is when they’re solo contesting the point. Choke point spam imo is a bad design to focus the game around.

where is this change mentioned?

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More crits, and the fallof of secondary now doesnt matter at hook range (15 metres for spreading pellets plus the distance of the scrapball).

I just want to point out that although this resolves the issue, and that it is now clear that the point of all these Roadhog shenanigans was to make shotguns more consistent, telling us the whole story sooner would have averted a lot of frustration.


are you actually spouting off the meme “shoot, hook and shoot?”

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Sorry… I dont get it (maybe my fault)

If my first shoot at hook range does more the damage together the second shoot a closed range, roadhog is going to get more picks.
This can be noticeable against Brigitte or Mei.

Also, shooting tanks with secondary fire at mid range is better because of the crits change.

Think about the fallof not being applied until more than 20 meters after shooting the scrapball. Yes, roadhog wont have some random chip damage at long ranges to kill Pharas or Widows, but those picks are not roadhog role.

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the reason why this is still not true is because you require hook to draw them into close range. Which means those picks are locked behind an 8 second cooldown.
Roadhog is going to have the same amount of picks.

yes right click is better than left click until the enemy is in your face.

the scrap ball already travels 9 meters before exploding.
Does that mean it travels another 20 feet before hitting fall off range or does that 9 meters for the shot also add into the fall off range. so its actually 11 meters after scrap ball explodes.

To be clear: nothing updated since the patch on the 11th. They just forgot to post these notes.

Meaning, any improvement to Roadhog was imperceptible; I didn’t hear anyone talking about him doing better damage with his shotgun before people were told he ought to be.

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I always said this:

The devs listen to us. Most of the times the choose not to respond directly to us because quite frankly, it is very intimidating to respond to this community.

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To be fair, it is not as though you can see the enemy shield health. Beyond that, if you look at the numbers, perception or not, it was a huge decrease. Either way, I am glad they buffed it after fixing the bug which is what they should have done in the first place. Also an extremely weird thing to forget given the nature of the change, but it is Blizzard, I can definitely expect them to handle these situations with little competence.

Considering they also took away his UltCancel combo, which was super buggy, but super powerful. And made it so he loses trades with McCree stun. And I think they might have even done something weird with friendly Orisa’s disconnecting your hook if they pull the same target.

Overall it’s hard to say if this patch is a slight nerf or a slight buff.

But here’s hoping Roadhog will get some good attention during the upcoming Torbjorn patch. Since a non-F-tier Torbjorn is a big indirect Roadhog nerf. Since Roadhog is extremely weak to armor.

either give everyone the same treatment or leave it!!

doomfist needs falloff dmg as well… or revert hogs falloff dmg.


It means that the fallof is calculated after ball exploding. So 9 (ball)+15(pellets fallof)=23 meters before fallof damage. This is (more and less) his hook range. Most hogs fight confortably at this distance and now we have more consistent crits.

The problem is that, before the patch, the hook combo didnt consistently get picks sometime.

I really think this buff will help to kill some heroes. Not very slim ones, and not McCrees (which was already killed before), but those anoying heroes who was scaping luckily sometimes.

I was talking about shooting enemy tanks. You can use left click against them if there is not at your face range.

But I mostly agree with you. The only thing is that I am more optimist with the changes.

Well… I havent tested Hog since last patch, but I have being streamers today to assess the effect of the crit changes.
I think Mercy is going to be more difficult to kill, but Brigitte easier. This is my only conclussions by the moment after seeing those videos. I also saw Roadhog killing a lot of Lucios, Widows and Wrecking Balls, but I didnt see anything suspicious about those kills.

I dont know how to feel about this in all honesty.

The fact that they even gave his right click fall off is stupid.

This still wont change the fact he’ll be unable to secure kills if he hooks someone and slaps them with a shotgun blast and they can just walk backwards.

They could walk backwards before. And fallof doesnt apply after 15 metres (primary fire) or 23 (secondary)

At these distances, the big spread will make the damage almost inexistent, so adding the fallof at further distances is anecdotical.