New rank lower than Bronze would be nice

Gazzor, I have a few Bnet friends just like this. They don’t boost / throw for money - they literally just find bronze games relaxing and like crushing whole teams.

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Hdurao - I can’t speak to PS4 - I only play on PC. I suppose you are referring to climbing from bronze as DPS? I’ve climbed from bronze to gold once as a support (mostly Mercy) and it wasn’t exactly easy. This was pre-Moira days, not as much ability to swing games as Mercy. I’ve been putting a lot of hours into Ana - but she demands a lot more technical skill, so I’m sitting at about 50-55% win ratio which makes for a slow climb.

You can climb from low ranks using any role tbh.

Characters like old symmetra (Idk about new symm, but probably the same), Zarya, Torb,, Zen, and pretty much all dps heroes, you can use them to climb easily if you know how to play the game.

yeah but your “friend” who deserves a ban for all those thrown games

would have placed 2509 by just afk’ing for the placements

probably knew that

and had to go to extra steps to get placed under plat and gold

in gold and below, you can solo a team with mei. if you cant freeze an enemy with mei then idk what to say.
its basically a free kill.
and heal when you get low .

and after a match just think to yourself, did i do good. did i do my job.
learn to carry. playing the game wont make you better. you need to actually to and want to get better.

I went from 1300 st to 4260 sr in 2 years there is no Elo hell its just skill and improvement

You don’t place 2500 by going AFK. The whole myth that “most people place around 2500” is that that’s the average SR and most people are average. If your performance says you’re 2500, you place 2500. I’m just saying I don’t know how people get to <500 SR if AFK gets you mid silver.

I mean if your in bronze you already are the low of the low.

sub 500 is 100 percent intentional. There is a reason they dont show your rank past that point after all.

Bacontotem was one of those players you could watch these people. Pretty much all 12 players would just intentionally not play the objective. And spawn camp each other.

I’ve always wanted to have a decidedly better team be willing to not cap on a KOTH map but also not let the enemy cap, at least for a couple minutes.

I had this experience once, on the receiving end. It’s no fun. I’ve told this story on another thread or two, so stop reading if you’ve heard this before.

I was in bronze, and had a team of honest bronze players trying to win. No throwers, no leavers. We got a comp match against a team of MASSIVELY de-ranked players. Couldn’t tell you for sure where their rank was normally at. One of them said 4800ish, which sounds like BS from the start, but they definitely weren’t playing like 1000 SR bronzes. I’ve played against Plats before, and these guys would have steamrolled Plats. They were easily Masters or above.

The map was Lijang. They stomped us so bad, I have never seen anything like it before or since in nearly 3 years of OW. I’ve never even HEARD of a stomp like this. And they did what you’re suggesting. They kept us off the point (actually, they successfully spawn camped us) for nearly 30 min. But they wouldn’t step on the point either. Finally, one of us went Sombra, and managed to get on the point. They were too far away to stop the cap, so we took the point. Or they let us take it. Whatever. They chose not to re-take it, so we won the round without really winning it, if you know what I mean.

Second round, SSDD. They spawn camped us again for ANOTHER 30 min, before they got bored and took the point. Then on round 3, ANOTHER 20 min or so of spawn camping, but our Sombra made the same move as round 1 (or they let her do it) and we ended up getting the “win” that wasn’t really a win.

What made me mad about it was how long they kept it up. If they wanted to throw, they could just throw. But that wasn’t the goal. I think they were trying to make us leave the match, and take an SR penalty. Fortunately, none of my team was willing to do that, so we just kept getting creamed until they got bored.

80 Minutes. If they’d wanted to make their point the same way, but only did it for 5 or 10 min per round, I’d still be mad but I’d have respect for the fact that they didn’t draw it out when they could have. These folks weren’t about throwing, even though that’s what they did. They were about deliberately ruining the game experience for every team they played.

I’m sure none of them got punished. But if you ever find a way to do something similar, don’t make it last 80 minutes, mm-kay? That’s just cruel, and tantamount to kicking stray puppies.


Anyone who claims to be 4800 is full of it. Nobody has been that high in many seasons and only a handful of people have EVER been that high. But yea I just want to do it for a minute or two. Not any more obnoxious than people who sit in spawn when 4 or 5 of their teammates have left and make the rest of us wait.

So you’d rather be stuck in aluminum?

I assumed the same. But in the end, it really didn’t matter what their SR really was. It was high enough to absolutely crush a group of Bronze players beyond anything that even a Plat or maybe even a Diamond team could accomplish. I mean… it was like playing against a team on a non-existent God mode. It was like Neo trying to fight Agent Smith before he knew how to control the Matrix. Whether it was really 4800 or 3800, it’s all the same to a group of 1000 SR bronze players. Above a certain point, does it really matter anymore?

My point was just that it was a messed-up thing to do “just for kicks,” taking it to that extreme. The kind of thing I always think should result in an instant and long-term ban, but by now I should know that it won’t.

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Maybe try a new account… ? My account tops out at 2600… I just did placements… and played til i reached 2500 and Im done… its like not even fun… i dunno why i play this game…