New rank lower than Bronze would be nice

It’s not that we need another rank. We needed tighter SR for matchmaking. Instead of 1000sr spread how about 100sr. So your teammates are closer to your level. Instead of 500,1200,765,987,577 and your SR. All on one team.

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Kinda but not exactly. A t500 is still GM, but a GM is not t500; t500 is a subset of GM but not a separate rank. At the same time, it doesn’t really matter if they make t500 a rank of its own. There aren’t enough of them to consistently make purely t500 matches, so there will always be masters and grandmasters mixed in.

Just make a new account. It’s what they want and will make you suffer a lot less in the long run.

Here’s the thing. Imagine you are a Gold level player. If you are and you try your best every single game you will climb over a long long period of time. Why so long? You’re one person in a team of six. Additionally you are not good enough to carry games where there is a thrower. You are not good enough to carry games where you are against a strong smurf. You are not bad enough to lose a game against a thrower or when you have a good smurf. As a result any of these forces will create games where you have basically no impact on the game (as in show up kinda go through the motions and the outcome is the same as if you tried your hardest).

So in the end you’ll play some fraction of games that you can influence into a win or loss with your own personal performance. But it’ll be low. Likely lower than any other tier because people don’t care in Bronze. There’s more throwers afks etc than anywhere else in all likelihood. You’ll also probably learn a lot of bad habits along the way.

But let’s say you can win 55% of your games over a huge length of time (a decent ratio for chaotic games if you aren’t a carry dps tbh). You will average approximately 2.4 sr gain per game. To go two tiers up you would need to play 417 games. If we say 20 min per game this is a roughly 140 hour investment in comp just to play gold games.

Your alternative is to make a new account. For god knows what reason you will end up at high silver to low diamond (I think some truly phenomenal players have started at mid masters). Even if you lost every game and afkd you would not end up in bronze. But if you play decent you will place mid to high gold by default. If you aren’t good enough you will eventually drop. If you are good enough you’ll play better too with more decent teammates some level of communication and often decent composition. You’ll be less tilted too. And it saves you +100 hours.

I don’t think you have to look very much into why buying a new account is the best way to “rank up”. It’s a good model.

And to anyone who’s gonna yell down my throat about it - I don’t think any tier is elo hell in the sense that you can’t climb out of it. Just that the length of time you have to play your best and untilted to climb is immense to see progress if you’re not dramatically better than the players you’re with. Which makes sense in a 6v6 but is exacerbated by smurfs and deranking.


I’d still suggest that op post a vod for review. Last thing we need is another bronze tier player placing mid gold and dragging his team down as he drops 1000+ SR. Maybe OP deserves to be higher and it is a good shortcut, as you said.

I know that bronze and silver are horrible. I’ve been in both myself. It’s not proper overwatch. it’s just a series of chaotic death match duels across the map. I embraced the chaos and used two mobile heroes to influence as many duels per game as I could and climbed back to gold with an 80% win rate.

But, be warned, you still get morons in high gold. But it’s a minority of games as opposed to most games.

Ehhh, there isnt that big of a difference between Bronze to Gold tbh, find a good friend to queue with and it should help.

Maybe they should double the SR range again.

I’m not saying this to be rude but I don’t even know how getting bronze is possible.

I have a friend who got a new account, got to level 25 in arcade, and then completely threw his placements. Two games of hammer only torb, 5 games of pressing W as roadhog until he died to feed, 1 game alt-f4’d because a smurf was carrying and it looked to be a win, and two games walking around the edge of the map doing nothing (1 of which he won due to another smurf). At the end of 10 placements he had 1 win, 9 losses, and 10 elims across all 10 games.

He placed…wait for it…1750. So again, not trying to be rude, but I seriously don’t know how a bronze placement is possible.

A big problem with bronze is all the diamond smurfs who think it is funny to go down there and wreak havoc. To get out you are just going to have to play a lot of games so you can get luck on your side.

Your friend is a scumbag. Hope he gets banned.

(lol, like that’s going to happen…)

I dont get it, you are saying that you were considering to buy new account, but you are too saying that you play comp just for golden guys. So do you care about competitive and your rank or not? Do you want to be higher and play comp maybe with your son?

If yes, you need to get better, best way would be to find a coach because you could not improve naturally by just playing the game. Its nothing to be shame off.

If you want, I can try to help you, for free, give you some tipes watch your game play and tell you what to do and not do next…

So if you are interested join this discord and ask for Zax.

Btw, dont create new account, you are in your rank for reason, new account wont solve it. Peple who are suggesting this have no idea what they are talking about.

I guess my attitude about gold guns is me making the best of a bad situation.
I just feel like the people in Gold dont throw and dont rage quit…as much.
I can’t be good enough to recover a team that lost 2 players.
Maybe just make it so people that use the menu to leave more than 3 comp matches gets banned for the season. Or if you have more than 6 “connection issues” then same season ban.
I had 4 loses in a row from “disconnected” people.
Also I’m not saying change comp game search to fit my needs, but please give me search filters that dont require me grouping first. Like I want Mic preferred people, or 18+ ect.

You dont have to carry team which lost 2 people. You need to get better in general. making best of situation, having good stats even when you loose, be smart and pick heroes team need the most if you are able to flex. Most importantly punish enemy mistakes and doing your role properly.

If you are in bronze you play like bronze, you need to overcome that and not do bronze mistakes and you will climb naturaly. My offer still stands if you need help and coaching(its free, you just need to invest some of your time into getting better)

Gold isnt any better, people fight and rage there too. Nobody is getting perfect team mates, not enemy team not you. Its same everywhere. You are the only thing what can make difference for you.

Rank does not matter. I’ve played since beta where I started out in bronze. Before I quit the game during season 13 I finally placed in low plat. And from my experience nothing changes. It’s the same game,same maps, same complainers, and the game isn’t very rewarding to stress over.

I say enjoy your games that you play. If you dont enjoy them now you wont enjoy them when you reach silver/gold/plat ect.

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All I really want from Comp Mode is 11 other players that actually belong in the match (not smurfing or de-ranked), and all are trying their best to win.

I want to win every match, but honestly, I feel a lot better about losing a close game, because I know everyone probably belonged in that match.


I am going to lay out the situation as plain as I can. It’s the end of season no one cares anymore.

I will describe the last 2 games I played yesterday.

One had a deranked widow on my team who literally played a 12 minute match without popping ult once. LITERALLY I did not see ONE infra sight…

Second game I was on junkrat I created oh gee I dont know how many 5-4s with an opening tire and my tanks kept flopping. Turns out the mercy who fed the first 3 minutes of the game on defense went on ana and didnt heal our tanks once. I went 49-11 on junkrat with 3 gold medals and over 23000 damage. Our doomfist btw just fed the whole game.

Do yourself a favor dont que competitive right now. It’s just a full on troll fest. Unless you can carry super duper hard or your team throws less you aint winning right now.

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Dude … i would que up with some bronze dude, let him leave and make some sick a*s Doomfist montage videos. Or even an entire 5 stack leaving so i get a 75% buff

imagine …


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I know it is possible to climb - but I have a new perspective on Bronze, having played a lot of comp on my bronze account - 25 hours or so. Unless you are a DPS god, bronze is quite difficult to climb out of. Gold games are actually easier than Bronze - most people are at least cognizant of team composition, and the aim is generally better.

Also - I’ve not encountered anywhere NEAR the level of throwers and smurfs in Gold that I have this season in Bronze. It’s truly incredible. One person that is deliberately trying to throw the game so he can boost someone can literally ruin 100’s of games. I just climbed back into silver on that account - and it was from 3 stacking with some other like minded players. The ironic part is I see players of MUCH higher skill in Bronze (smurfing) than I ever see in gold.

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that is cause the gold smurfs are still throwing their way down.

Honestly I dont see the allure of smurfing in bronze. Going 8-1 KDR gets old really fast.

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Can’t understand the attraction of bullying people. Silver had some fun games, 44-4, 15-0, 22-0 in terms of kd (Lucio, Moira), but having a lot more fun at my current skill cap scraping close wins by a few %, a few seconds or a few metres.

Diamond frond of mine has a bronze alt so he can “de-stress by crushing bronze b*****s”

Ho hum…

Unless something has changed and I don’t know, you can make as many psn profiles as you want, so you don’t need to buy the game again. At least it was this way when I used to play OW every week.

Anyway, it’s easy to climb from bronze, you just need to understand what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it. Watch better people playing solo q and learn what they do different than you