New PTR UPDATE: Nerfs Dvas boosters to 4 secs

I feel like if you didn’t need her to try and eat snowball against Mei, Zarya would be getting picked more than her.

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The worst part is that this isn’t even that significant of a nerf, 4 seconds is STILL an extremely short cooldown in the grand scheme of things.

This knee-jerk reaction to get outraged and pin blame on DPS-Mains only serve to further divide the community.


Just Give the Tanks the 3/2/1 STATS. it would be healthy for the tanks and it would make them TANKS, not some underwhelming BIG DPS character.


They’re not even bothering to buff other tanks to make more tanks viable anymore either, it’s basically just rein and screw everything else.

What in the world are players supposed to even use anymore if dva is trashed? Aside from zarya, they’re all trash.

And why did dva require a nerf, yet rein didn’t? Rein is literally must pick, dva is not.

Once again, this stupid Reinhardt pandering is stupid balance choices.


Sorry, I’m lost. When we get hero pools, he’ll be immune to nerfs or he’ll be nerfed by then?
Or he won’t be there for a whole week? Cause ignoring a problem by saying “well, he can’t be played for a week!” is not a solution.


Yeah. Like even though I suspect the change was made for Pharah players, it’s not like there was a lot of Pharahs complaining.

There was literally zero outcry about

The majority of the posts in this forum have been about nerfing Mei, Reinhardt, and McCree. In that order. Mostly dps heads on the outcry chopping block.

Most people have been fine with the power level of, Ana, and Lucio.


You know whats sad? In experimental D.Va felt amazing, and still pretty easy to kill even with the 3/2/1 thing. It makes her better in every way, its still pretty balanced.


Why did get picked in the first place is what should be asked not look at the numbers that only that only tell us the results of a combination of the whole game. Who is the most used hero right now? Mei. What answers Mei ultimate? There is no answers once its deployed other than save one person with Zarya (which is a problem in its self a pretty large on in fact as all cc is like this).

Additionally they still have changed Sigma’s ultimate which is the one thing they messed up with him. And is causing him to be viewed as trash.

All that needed to happen to make her pickrate level out is mei changes or add new counterplay to another hero to fight blizzard and do a proper sigma ultimate tuning. Heck even improving another random dps to be good gives her less incentive to be run.

I have seen it coming as soon as I could test out Dva with 3 second booster cool down. I didn’t like how they water down Dva like that. Now 4 seconds cool down seems about right and we can differentiate Dva and feeDva again.

To make D.Va feel like D.Va give her the 3/2/1 stats. Simple.


4 seconds is a nice middle ground, if you ask me. But I was not that passionate about it either way.

sure it is. just sit back and watch. nerf cries will vary on the flavor of the week

Pharah isn’t really the only reason. We do not need Tanks eating ultimates, crowd controlling the air and ground, and covering 20 meters of lethality and being that mobile. That’s basically eating up roles.

2 Likes only felt that way because there was 3 dps to her lone tank. 321 would be very oppressive in the main game.


This is why nobody wants to even bother to tank if they’re basically told to play rein and screw everything else including fun. Play any other tank that’s good, you will be nerfed down to the ground eventually. If you play rein, you’re safe.

Not everyone is a darn reinhardt main.


Venus, D.Vas “buffs” were reverts. It’s not oppressive.

All of this false outrage just gives credence to the negative stereotype that “Supports & Tank-Mains are whiny”.

Blizzard probably saw something they didn’t like and they’re changing it.

That’s it.

MAN, I can’t stand this community sometimes.


She eats ultimates inconsistently. And has been stronger with more dps viable.

Technically speaking they didn’t even get what they wanted.

They asked for 5 seconds and only got 4.

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I mean, as a support player, I was asking for this nerf, I’m glad she got it.

However I’d really like compensation elsewhere for her since her mobility’s the only thing keeping her alive.

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