New player experience for OW2

So what’s the new player experience going to be like for OW2?

  • wait in 15+ min queue for any role that isn’t support
  • get destroyed by smurfs
  • teammates verbally abuse one another
  • go back to 15+ min queue

Hope the game survives



That is assuming there are many new players.


Yep, the new player experience won’t be a good one. OW1s hasn’t been good for a while for the same reasons.


I doubt queues will be an issue for the initial swamp of new players, even if the new Support ends up underwhelming ultimately, she’ll probably still be effective for the first month or so. And providing there’s actually a decent influx of new players, matchmaking should generally be a little better for them than it is on Live.

But yeah, while at least they’ve finally admitted smurfing is an issue and made some attempt to combat them, I sincerely hope they have more up their sleeve to improve the player-base. Smurfs, cheaters, and general player toxicity had no small hand in the game’s downfall.

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That doesn’t sound like the new player experience to me

Imagine if they had a bunch of these “Subsidized by Blizzard” tutorials covering a hero, or more narrow concept.

And they were featured on the official Overwatch YouTube page, AND they had a section in-game with the Tutorial, with thumbnails that linked out to the YouTube page.


Yeah, it sounds like old player experience as well. :clown_face:


This. This what OWL should be producing and showing between games instead of a countdown timer.


Sounds like neither actually. Do you guys really have that bad of a time playing OW/OW2? :sweat_smile: Why do you still play if it’s so miserable for you

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Something kinda like this is what I had in mind.

No amount of tutorial is going to close a 6 year experience gap.

I tell you what would, though, is a competitive system with integrity. Ideally it should be functionally impossible for a new and legacy player to be matched up immediately.

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I don’t recall waiting more than 5 minutes for a queue in the second beta no matter what role it was for.

Sadly I don’t know any competitive game that succesfully succeed to do it. Maybe LoL?

The game could really use a good tutorial. But please dont think that it would be different here in OW1…

A competitive mode should not be required to close in any experience gap.
That’s the whole point GreyFalcon is presenting this idea that isn’t simply “gain experience only through competitive”.

Before OWL & before the game even had Competitive Mode, there were lots of community made tournaments within the first few months of the game’s launch.
I can tell you that those players didn’t start “gaining experience” through playing competitive mode.

What they all did was practice.
Lots of practicing & that is what will always continue to be the way to close in an “experience gap” for any video game or physical game.

If the player base doesn’t want to practice, despite having resources that help them in the process of practicing, that is everyone’s choice as they continue to queue into Competitive Mode, expecting to suddenly start climbing the ranks without any real effort into training their skills.

They could do better than videos for ingame tutorial content.


The FFXIV in game tutorial missions were legit good.

Love this elitist “True Gamer” attitude about a game with Mercy, Moira, and Lucio in it. This game is designed for beginners and first time FPS players to be able to have fun. Expecting every player to have some minimum level of dedication and discipline is absurd for this game in particular.

I know all the sweaty “git gud” gamer brats think casual players don’t matter, but F2P means they now matter far more than you ever will, because when they go, this game goes on maintenance mode again. Forever.

Dismiss them and their enjoyment at your own peril.


There is no problem with beginners & first time FPS players being able to have fun.
There are a variety of game modes that are just fun to play.

You have to keep in mind that, what SadTankMain is asking for is a Competitive Mode, a mode where everyone is supposed to play their best to win, to be the method of closing in the “experience gap”.

He wasn’t talking about new players not being able to have fun with the game for beginners.
He was talking about how new players won’t be able to compete with players that already know how to play the game.

Your whole thing with loving elitist “True Gamer” attitude.
Keep it to yourself because we don’t care about that attitude of yours.

Players that want to have fun will have fun with the game, while the players that SadMainTank is talking about are new players that are looking for a competitive experience.
Not new players that aren’t looking for a competitive experience & playing just to have fun.

mind explaining why? we get it, ow2 is perfect in your eyes, but at least try to justify your views