New player experience for OW2

WTF are you talking about. I’m saying that matchmaker shouldnt suck booty. You should be placed with people of your own skill level. Period.

Outside of competitive modes, when players want to play with friends, the matchmaker argument goes out the window for the most part.

Unless you have a good idea where friends of any rank can play together, outside of competitive modes & not be restricted for the sake of “matchmaking”, go ahead & tell us your idea.

Because in your original argument, you explicitly said a “competitive system with integrity” is what should be in place.
Quick Play & the likes, are not competitive modes where new players & groups of friends are going to go play, just for a competitive experience.
They all play those modes for fun.

oh, I’ll make it clear. QP should be wayyyy more competitive than it is. The high mmr gaps are there because this game has no players, and for no other reason.

If anything, QP should outright bar high level players from playing with fresh accounts.

This is a fair opinion because the MMR gaps in every mode is largely due to the lack of players across the board.

As far as not allowing high level players with fresh accounts in QP.
I agree, but I see no way to identify a high level player that is just a new player that is really good at playing the game naturally, from it being an old player.

Pretty much. I mean I doubt OW is going to be gaining enough new players for it to even matter anyway lol.

I wonder if the solution to the new player experience is to make

Quick Play: Open Queue
Unranked: 122 Comp Rules
Ranked: Competitive 122 Comp Rules

That way it might recapture some of the freedom and dun of OW1 at launch.

I don’t think OW2 is perfect but it certainly isn’t going to be 15 minute queues, verbal abuse & smurfs in every game :laughing:

The new player experience has been terrible for years, but it’s not really all that unusual for a game of this age.

I do hope they extend the ‘newbie’ window somehow. Getting to L5 and then being dropped in with the smurfs is a pretty demoralising experience…

Same old round table of OW2 critics and poor Poytheon the voice of reason. Nothing to see here folks.

That would become an unpopular “game mode”. The average OW player isn’t interested in spending free time with active learning. That’s “work” not fun. A lot of them want high rank without learning or doing anything else that resembles “work” (like thinking and focusing during the match instead of playing in “autopilot”). That’s the psychology, that’s how their minds work and you can’t change that.

You can “lecture” them only in an engaging gamified way. That’s very difficult if not impossible in a PvP shooter. Good AI could help but implementing that in a game like OW could become a never-ending stream of work. It probably makes more sense to invest those resources elsewhere (trying to give OW PvP some less resource-intensive but marketable facelifts, creating new games that don’t have the difficult problems of old games) - the path of least resistance.

During the Olympic games we don’t have these problems because the competitors use their real-world identities. In video games you could achieve that only by linking gaming accounts to real-world personal identities. That would require some kind of cooperation between corporations and governments that wouldn’t be good for us. Imagine a world in which marketing departments know even the colour of your underwear. :joy:

Even if they wanted to implement a system like that: imagine the amount of required work and money to engage with and convince (should I say “bribe”?) all governments in all countries. There is already an insane amount of money in big-tech so a higher level of state monopoly capitalism (capable of implementing these ideas) may not be too far in the future.

I didn’t watch official Overwatch YouTube a single time through all those years. What makes you think new players would want to watch gameplay, when they want to play it?

Besides, those guides do literally nothing for your usual environment, as they clearly aren’t created in your usual chaotic game. It’s like watching OWL pros playing, trying to apply that to your regular game, and finding out, that it’s just not working.

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ques at the moment for comp with pass is less then 5 minutes, which will improve when tanks are less of a bottleneck.

I mean the QP experience will have people from considerable stretches of skill. That and their coming into a game with a lot of legacy players. So to them almost everyone is a smurph.

Welcome to the internet, this happens in all multiplayer games. Like pick up a COD game, within your first ten games a ten year old will make commonents about your mom.

However in most multiplayer games you can block off your allies and not lose much value. But in team-oriented games, especially ones with small teams, it’s not working out.

I mean a lot of people more or less learned how heroes interact with each other while on the same team. As your classic nano blade or zarya ult combo’s. Making such almost automatic.

even then with the ping system and the added mechanics that let you set count downs, say yes or no, ping targets or positions you would like to hold.

You basically never need to Verbally say a word and let the heroes do all that for you.

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there’s actually no legitimate way to make such a guarantee

I find such claims in general to result in loss of credibility for the person making such a claim

It’s 15 minute queues currently. If they could have fixed the queue problem in Overwatch 1, they would have.

You realize this guy is a troll right?