NEW ON PTR: Sym, McCree and Junk buffed. Reaper, Zarya, lucio and zen nerfed

finally they nerfed my main lucio. i mained him since 2016 and god has he been op for a while. i expected they would nerf his passive heals but I’ll take this too. another big blow to goats

basically because her bubble goes beyond Rein barrier and when people tries to destroy it - she get’s charged.

I think they are into the idea of glass canon, they want her to be powerful with low health.

195/s isn’t even a cannon

it’s good sustain damage, sure, given her ammo capacity and full mobility with it, but certainly not enough to warrant being that glassy in a game like this

“glass cannon” would be tracer, she doesn’t have the sustain to sit in a fight, nor the ammo for it, but she has the potential to jump in and deal 240 damage, (without any headshots, which means potential output is higher), within 1 second
THAT’S a “cannon”

symmetra has a gun meant for sustain, not burst, and there’s a big difference between burst and sustain, sustain simply can’t be glass, because then you’re dead before you’re effective, there’s no attrition if you can’t make it past a few pokes, at that point your focus is just working against you, not with you

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YES! I’m totally fine with the Lucio nerfs JUST FOR THAT SPEED INCREASE!

Symm…I wished we got something with the TP, but her primary is probably an easier thing to tweak. (Hoping TP stuff in the works though)

I think the only one I’m not happy for is the Zen nerf…like why?