New nerfs to Doomfist are laughable

The entitled ones are doomfist mains crying about wrist slap nerfs.


Yeah he got some nerfs last year and this too. I can give u the patch notes too.

Now is that better?

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I don’t think this nerf should be taken lightly, i just think there should’ve been more nerfs to his cooldowns

Most doomfist mains seem pretty okay with it



Why would you make the cooldowns of a character who requires their abilites to do anything even longer? The guy has nothing else but his abilities, it’s why Sombra counters him so hard. His shotgun sucks


That’s the problem, doomfist mains shouldn’t be okay with a nerf, that means its not a big enough nerf. No main should be okay with their character getting nerfed

Sombra is hot trash because she can’t compete with double barrier, not because of the EMP nerf

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The interesting thing about the buffs to uppercut/slam, is theyre REALLY only a buff to players who are playing hyper aggressive with him.

It was a one second reduction on them. If someone DOESNT use that ability within 1 second, the “buff” wouldnt have made any difference

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The only thing thats a joke is the fact blizzard took this long for a doom nerf, and when they do its its hardly anything


What I will say is that this shield change is a revert of a buff that he got long ago. It doesn’t seem like much but this will effect his survivability, a lot of times Doomfist just needs to hit certain damage break numbers to die and he skates away with just a sliver of hp.

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You seem to like ignoring everyone in the thread telling you it’s actually a huge nerf. Pretty sure you just hate Doomfist and want him to be unplayable. Sorry but some people actually have fun playing the character.


It’s very easy for moira and doom to panic fade/ult after they see sombra stating T posing tho.

And of course every emp always gets no value because Orisa sees you and cast another shield right when you destroy previous one.

She should be useful in this meta if she stayed the same, the animation nerf with ult charge nerf make sombra waste too much time and yet still unreliable to win a teamfight

You know how long it took for them to tone down one character in the past? 50% life steal, Storm Arrows, Junkrat etc? Hmm. Seems rather quick to me in the grand scheme of things.


Most DF that is worth their salts won’t use RP as a damaging tool unless they know they can land it.

So nerfing RP will makes rollouts on rooftop a bit slower to set up, and his RP escape is still the same. But the distance that he can rp himself and spacebar would be reduced because of this.

My intake from that.


Why? You think everyone is as biased as you are?

Prior to 222 doomfist was hardly overpowered. Yes he has a strong win rate in GM, but he also had a pretty “average” win rate where the other 9/10 of the players existed on ladder, winning basically 50% of his games. Nor was he dominating the pro scene by any means. And despite his shining win rate in GM, he was picked basically every couple of games or so.

Post 222, his pick rate jumped up- Largely because he was one of the only heroes who could do much in the double shield environment, but his win rate fell to 53-54~% in GM, but remained relatively at the 50% mark where 9 out of 10 players existed, and while his pick rate came up overall in those ranks, he remained as being a hero picked every other game or so.

I get that it ruffles your jimmies that the nerfs werent as big as you wanted them to be.

But they didnt need to be.

Blizzard doesnt agree that doomfist needs to be tossed in the dumpster like youd like him to be. My condolences for you in light of them not sharing your obviously better informed balance decisions.


Currently on GM most what most Dooms do is cheeky corner peeking with RP that 1 shots you out of nowhere. This nerf will help react against that.

Not even close.
Cause I have seen footage from GM. On the first couple of days, their timing on RP will be off, but after a while, they will either be used to the new RP charge or just stop doing it entirely.

Although you can hold RP charge after fully charging, idk whether the release after holding charge RP is still the same…

I think? I need sleep.

I know my profile is public but seriously tho, i havent played df at all this season. Do u see those 3 little tank, dps, support icons on your profile? I’d have those icons too if I played comp this season, but i dont because i havent played comp.

Look dude, that last time I played df in comp was during season 12 which was last year. That 11 minutes on df shown on my profile was during season 15 around March 2019 and that was just only 1 placement match.


I don’t think it’s even Orisa and Sigma… I think it’s just Sigma.

The no-no balance of double barriers in the past was the damage output was just too low/unreliable.

Sigma has a barrier and damage output like an off-tank. So no wonder he’s doing as great as he is

Um, I literally play on GM/Top500. Doomfist players do this all day.