New nerfs to Doomfist are laughable

Honestly, this was all I hoped for. This was his problem for me playing against him. At least now I can stand a chance of killing him.


No idea how some people think this nerf is small. 1 to 1.4 second to fully charge rocket punch is huge. That means he is doing a lot less damage already no matter how long you charge it for unless max. And if a Doom is fully charging his punch taking that long it’s super easy to see coming or to punish.


They nerf emp by increasing the animation time for like 0.15secs and sombra is hot trash now(1sec shorter duration is less impactful in higher ranks)

0.4secs longer is huge in a fast game like ow, especially when doom is squishier now


Forumites with pitchforks: We want doomfist nerfs!

Blizzard: Ok, here ya go



Hey, leave my man Edgar out of this.

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It’s literally only been 4 hours. Give it some time please; the shield nerf is actually pretty significant.

Doomfist bad! How dare there be a hero that doesn’t care too much about barriers?! NO! ORISIGMA FOREVER!!!


A nerf to one of his abilities that is being used for mobility and for dealing damage and a nerf to his durability is something I don’t take lightly.


That’s called tuning, OP.

And the devs are listening to more than just the cry babies too.

Doomfist needed nerfs… Other sources say his power has been a result of barrier meta.

So they meet halfway. Nerf a little bit, observe, and see if more is needed.


Want a dollar? Here’s a nickel. What, you want more? How ungrateful.


he didn’t really needed those nerfs. The reason why he so good now because of double shield. With double shield combo is nerf that mean less doomfist. Once again dev dosn’t think.


Well, that was before he had one second shaved off on his CD. That really did make a difference.

I feel like Doom won’t suffer terribly. Just puts him somewhat in line with other DPS.


Exactly, this is actually a pretty huge nerf. RP can’t oneshot unless your enemy is really unaware anymore and it’s harder for him to build shields. Now there’s no reason to complain anymore, ESPECIALLY because people like Hog with his recent buff and Orisigma nerfs are gonna make the other dps who counter Doom good again.


6 second*

Increase his cooldowns back to 7 seconds, and make it so rocket punch only stuns at full charge.


idk, I think the 0.4s nerf to the Rocket Punch charge time is very significant and is not really unjustify. It gives the opponent 0.4s to find him after he perform his uppercut and shoot him down. If Doomfist does not do his full charge and only do half way, he doesn’t escape as far away that it’s too late to chase him.

Not sure which doomfist you’re talking about. Cause the one I see sure does.

Im so used to having learned how to destroy current doom that new doom is gonna be like killing a torb with no molten cd.

Honestly, I find that the nerf to Rocket Punch was meant to make it easier for the average player to deal with Doomfist. It also makes it harder for Doomfist to Rocket Punch the opponent to death too.

Well my reaction speed and accuracy has gotten a lot slower, so it’s a good thing for me.

The real slap in the face is how entitled your OP sounds.

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You know your profile is off private right? Doomfist is your most played this season lmao