New nerfs to Doomfist are laughable

I have never seen more threads and complaints about a character like Doomfist in this game since #deletebrig. All of these posts, streamer complaints, tweets and so on, about how broken this character is, what does Blizzard do? They nerf him in smallest way possible.

Now don’t get me wrong, any nerf to Doomfist and I’m jumping for joy.
But the following nerfs,
“time to reach max charge increased from 1 to 1.4 seconds
for rocket punch and
“shield health gained per hit reduced from 35 to 30
is a spit in the face.

The thing people complained about was his damage and survivability. All that’s been changed is his survivability in the slightest way possible. Now we’ll have to wait till live to see how much this affects him, but my guess is that he’ll still be able to dive the back line, get two picks, and jump out.

What nerfs we need is cooldowns. Cooldowns to his siesmic slam, cooldowns to his uppercut, cooldowns to his rocket punch. His abilities are so detrimental, yet all up, they have no more than a 7 second cooldown?!

I’m interested to see how this charge nerf to his rocket punch affects his gameplay, but like the passive nerf, probably not a whole lot.
Doomfist needs to be nerfed a lot more than this, I’m happy to be wrong if he goes live and now he’s nowhere near as good as he was, but the odds of that being true after reading his nerfs, unlikely.

Blizzard, nerf Doomfist.


No he doesnt

They already did


dumbfist is weak against ranged heros


People asked for nerfs, Blizz delivered.

You people won’t satisfied until he’s unplayable.


Very constructive input sir, thank you. Wouldn’t expect anything more from someone’s most played this season to be Doomfist.


And this is how we know this thread is a joke.


Don’t mind him, he’s been saying doomfist is fine since he got free kills with his ult.

Otherwise, I think it will help, but still think the CC is the problem, we just have to wait and see.


Um i havent played df at all this season dude


His ult is like one of the worst parts of his kit…
Can you at least try?


Why is it always that the tiniest of nerfs to someone’s favorite character are always “Welp. Guess bliz hates us and wants us in -Z tier after a single nanosecond of meta time” and every nerf to someone’s least favorite character is “a slap on the wrist/spit in the face/laughable?”


Deheck you talking about?

I’m talking about way back when, his ult was a free zen/ana kill, before they nerfed it…


It was still the worst part of his kit. It was mostly used as an escape back then.


Can’t understand why they didn’t fix his hp and damage…


The buff that made doomfist so strong was a 5 hp buff to his “best defense”. Now he has a 5 hp nerf to it along with a RP nerf.


Wait so a free support kill, being the worst part of his kit? Just shows at that period he was way too strong?

I think I missed your point.


I think people are underestimating how big the DF nerf is; if you land all 3 abilities, that’s 15 less hp DF has. Which is kinda big tbh, plus they made RP take so long to oneshot that if you do get killed by it it’s 100% your fault now. No complaining about “no counterplay” now, he has it in spades, especially with the Orisa/Sigma nerfs and the Hog buff.


I call it the Symmetra effect :joy:

Me neither, this is still better than nothing but he needs more

I hate doomfist too but these nerfs are targeted correctly. While i always will be in favor of more doomfist nerfs these nerfs take a scalpel to some of the most OP parts of hit. His rocket punch definitely needed a nerf on chargeup. While I’m would like more charge up time at least now you can hear the wind up and actually do something about him.

His shield can make him immortal in the hand of a good player and a little healer support. At least they are doing something about it finally. I’ll take these nerfs for now and hope for more but at least they doing the right things here.


I do remember him with 30 shields and it was pretty easy to kill him with heroes like mccree so maybe he’ll be trash and that’s when I’m happy