New Moira revert

What? Pharmercy is -so strong- in role lock.

notice how I said Pharah not Pharmercy

Sure. Letā€™s buff pharah a little, but that would mean Mercy is due for another round of nerfs. I see she still has 200 HP, but her hitbox and mobility, especially with Pharah on the field, is awfully similar to Tracerā€¦

not that kind of love

The ONE thing I was looking forward to most got removed.

This community is insufferable.

ā€œCC bad!ā€

Devs alter an ability to counter CC


I hate you all.

You can already do it in live, you just need to predict stuff like sleep, hook, stuns etcā€¦ and you can fade from reinhardt shatters if you fade right as he starts to say his ult line.

Fading from a shatter and emp is the most satisfying thing about playing Moira to me.

Evading an ability =/= Countering an ability

OH sorryā€¦ didnā€™t realise you wanted it handed on a silver spoon, sorry for trying to be nice and help you :slight_smile:

People are so rude these days, I give a tip and they act like they are too good for a tip because itā€™s not EZPZ mode

So your logic was torn apart and now you condescend with an ad hominem.

You really added a lot of value to this conversation.

My logic? excuse me, I literally gave you a tip if you still wanted to do this stuff but a little earlier instead of being stunned first. But instead you are rude to me, Iā€™m so sorry that I tried to teach you something, jeez.

you can fade from reinhardt shatters if you fade right as he starts to say his ult line.

And i directly pointed out evasion is not the same as countering.

Ok :slight_smile: if you say so. I was only trying to help you be a better moira but of course you know better :hugs:

edit: ahhhā€¦ Silver mercy 1 trick, it makes sense now lol.

letā€™s wait, the sym chamges didnt come right out of the gate. Maybe they are working on something.
I feel like this ptr cycle will be quite rocky with tons of changes coming.
They will most likely wait for s17 end before getting ptr live, then the 2 weeks of beta season, then probably another balance patch and then 222 o line for quickplay amd the proper season 18.
Then kaplan said something else is coming in around the end of august / early september

Itā€™s gonna be two intense months

Ah, thanks for the hope :slight_smile: I am looking forward to what plans they have for Moira, lets hope itā€™s worth the wait!

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to be fair, in OWL iā€™ve seen more moira than usual im the last matches

Yeah, I was so happy to see her being used a few times yesterday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

a change i would like to see is the healing orb staying attached to team mates even at max health (and not consuming itself).
That way you could shoot it preemptively and not have it fly away the moment an ally is full health

funny how ppl make those topics without providing any options on how to help current moira

I like Moira but I am really glad this is finished. It hurt my soul every time I slept her and she would zip away. Hope to see her get some love.

I think this is the way to go - add some minor utility to each orb. The fade through stun was silly, didnā€™t help here where she needed it (I am a Moira main).

20% Slow debuff on Damage Orb/Cleanse debuffs on Healing Orbs are potential options as you suggested (would need playtesting ofc).

Other potential options mentioned by other posters are interesting: Damage Orb slows down healing on affected targets (50% or so?) and Healing Orb does the opposite - allows 50% healing through anti-heal. This latter one however seems strictly an Ana counter so not sure how good that would be.

Iā€™m sure other utility options exist.