New Moira revert

they are trying to fix her in higher tiers while also not making her a total cancer in lower elo.

It rewarded messing up as Moira. I rarely get CC’d as McCree and I have a more frontline and more duel happy position than Moira normally. I can avoid most CC by carefully timing my roll. Even if they’ve baited the roll I can use that roll to position myself breaking line of sight. When a Rein does manage to pin me or a Hog hooks me it was well deserved. If I could just roll out of any CC of enemy heroes it wouldn’t make any element of fighting CC more interesting - just easier and more straightforward. The burden to outplay would be entirely on the cc hero and the actual thinking for Moira is even less. Remember her cool down is shorter than any stun - there’s no way having it be a cleanse of that same stun makes sense as a buff.

There is a real concern with making Moira’s kit more basic. The concern is that if she’s ever strong enough to be meta in high tiers (which presumably they want her to be) she will be completely broken in low tiers. So they likely want to buff her in ways that pushes her top end potential while not impacting her value in low and mid tiers. This will almost certainly require actual utility (no never getting stunned isn’t utility) since the only way to make her basic damage/heals kit have similar value to Ana or Mercy without giving her utility will require absurd throughput numbers. She needs something legitimate as a change. Where she can add unique frequent value to the team. You could argue being able to body block hook was that change but I think it’s unreasonable imo. The moment hog is out of the meta that won’t be any value. It’s also niche af and unlikely to elevate her from pointless to decent at GM+.

Dude, of course they listen, but they have their own vision of the game. They have future plans and want to test options.

I think she needs a total remake… i mean her whole kit seems so dumb, idk why even play heroes like these

You play Moira when no one peels for you on Ana. Moira is always the second choice.

Idk, i feel like i’d rather play with a stone than playing moira or brig or sth like that

Sigma has entered the chat.

Wouldn’t play sigma either xD

here’s some new utility to try for moira.

Give fade the additional effect of being a short ranged aoe cleanse on use.

Thie hero is in desperate need of a rework of her kit since the first freakin dmg orb passed through a team etc

You have no idea how Moira even works or what she needs.

Would you call the concept of this hero “good” then or idk what you’re trying to say