New Moira revert

Are you saying that’s the official reasoning for the revert? I’m questioning why they did it at all. If the change didn’t hurt anything why revert it? If they care so much about what’s going on in high SR why is orisa hog allowed to run wild and why is widow allowed to be so non-interactive?

Reverting a QoL change for a mediocre hero isn’t going to make anyone happy except people who just hate Moira.


Because removing this buff means she can get an actually meaningful buff later.


The change rewarded cooldown management, and punished a lack thereof; it didn’t change her numbers, it made her an enjoyable hero to play.
Literally, people complaining about the fact that they are now wasting cooldowns on Moira when they shouldn’t be, has made bliz roll it back. What a joke.

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Current fade also rewards cooldown management.
It also rewards gamesense and timing to outplay things like Rein’s shatter.


Since when is that a rule? Do you forget where they kept buffing dva for like a year straight until she was basically in every game?

Or how about the random Torb nerf? Does that mean he’s going to get a huge buff later? Of course he could get a buff eventually but a hero getting a buff or nerf or something being reverted isn’t any sort of promise of a later change.

There’s not some form of equity where characters can only get x amount of nerfs or buffs.

That sucks. It was one of the best things about this patch.


Most cooldowns reward cooldown management. I’m not saying it doesn’t, I’m saying the change rewarded it more. It went from low risk low reward to high risk low reward with this rollback. :man_shrugging:
It was QOL and it made her actually enjoyable to play again with a relatively low impact on the meta or the game as a whole.

But it’s okay guys, because there’s a new hero out with MOAR CC TO BRING.

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Aww, shucks.

I wanted to troll the tryhards on live. Guess I’ll just do my usual tricks then.

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Great. We’re counting reverts from “Bug Fixes” as Buffs now.
Truly the Darkest Timeline.

They better give her something more

especially Pharah, please.

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Okay but your point is “She can already do this, so it was a meaningless buff” while also saying “They reverted this buff so she could get a meaningful buff later”.

Why not just… leave the buff there if it’s so meaningless anyway and give her a meaningful buff as well?

I for one liked the buff, since it allowed her to do something that has been needed in OW so much lately which is anti-CC. Which… literally everyone has been crying about CC needing nerfed or needing less of it in Overwatch.

IMO; keep this buff, it’s a very nice QoL change that will alleviate some of the irritation with CC lately, and figure out something that would provide something special for her team to make her better in higher ranks.

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It was meaningless for high elos. That’s where she needs buffs.

It was too strong in low elos. That’s where she’s already strong.


Not to imply rankshaming but I don’t think you should balance a game around the capability of what a low elo player can do after 2 days of time to adjust to a new mechanic.

I’m fully confident in the ability of silvers or whatever to eventually figure out they shouldn’t waste flashbang on Moira.

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Except she’s not exactly strong in low elos right now either.

She does nothing good against or for Bunker which is currently dominating all levels of play. Mercy, Ana, and even Baptiste are much stronger than her all around.

This buff would’ve actually helped her against Bunker in lower ranks since she’d be able to escape traps + hook.

So give her something to help in lower ranks, and something that would help in higher ranks.

They probably realize that it’ll just make Moira extremely oppressive in low elos because she is a popular pick in low elos and DPS Moiras will abuse the Fade buff more than Moiras that actually heal.

Community: Moira is garbage
Devs: Ok, here’s buff
Devs: Ok, revert buff
Community: Moira is garbage
Devs: …

Glad they reverted it. Even Moira mains agreed it was over the top. Just goes to show they are at least listening.

I think she does need a buff but not to do with fade. Maybe something new to her kit that is similar to anti-nade or speed boost.

Glad they did, it felt like a get out of jail free card with 90% escape rate. She does however still need some sort of buff imo.

They could increase the amount health she recovers when dealing damage with her Secondary Fire from 30 to 33 per second.

I suspect they’re correcting this latest PTR in 2 revists. The first pass preserved an ounce of logic and community respect for symmetra and moira, but its not case-closed on either. The second pass will probably give symm some kind of self-destruct cd thats better than 12 seconds (one can modesly root for 6-8 second timer).

The second pass could also hopefully give brig some of her shield back and strike a balance for moira utility.

Personally, I like the healing through shields idea and/or maybe a 1 second '‘post-utility effect’ after fade - like a cc immunity (instead of just escaping for free, you deny them a window with fade+1sec cover), or maybe a buff to moira healing/damage on cc’d allies (or foes) during that window. If you’re going to touch fade – then anything that puts us halfway between the ridiculous fade and the reverted basic fade.