New Moira revert

It certainly would help against Winston. His barrier is essential an anti heal for Moira and Ana.


It will, with orisa everywhere and occasionally Winston it’s definitely a welcome buff.


And also Sigma, since he can put a barrier in between the enemies to block healing. Although that’d be better against Anas.

Thank goodness.

I’m hoping they can add utility to orb.

A 15% slow on damage orb and a cleanse every 2.0 seconds on healing orb would actually make her have to have the gamesense to actually decide which orb is better than just using healing orb as much as possible and could distinguish good Moira’s from bad Moira’s by encouraging actual decision making.

Or SOMETHING to each orb.


They’re afraid of Moira being good but they’re fine with the state of Widowmaker and Orisa. What a joke


I doubt it. They buffed her but reverted it because it did nothing for higher ranks.

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Thank sweet merciful Jesus. I don’t know what they were thinking when putting that in to begin with lol.

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It’d be nice if we got the chance to explode orbs.

Exploding a damage orb will cause anti-heal (to a lesser extent than Ana) and exploding a healing orb will increase healing to her team or possibly provide burst healing.

Not very original as it would do what Ana’s nade does (to a lesser extent) but I’m not really someone whose work is to come up with ability ideas.

I am disappointed in the developer’s choice to remove the buff that made her a good pick against certain enemy team compositions and now they removed it from all the crying.

Tesla Overwatch showed a lot of PTR gameplay with new Moira and He’s going to be disappointed as well when he learns they removed Moira’s long await buff.

This does nothing but make people add Moira players to their avoid list in Grandmaster games. Telling her to switch to Mercy or something else due to zero utility.

You guys finally gave her some utility that no other support had and you guys reverted her back to the worst support. Along with Brigitte also being bad too despite her healing more now.

You might as well let Moira heal through Barriers again and make Fade 5 seconds.


Those things she did due to the buff, she could do without it by having good gamesense and timing.

It was not the change she needed.


Her issue has never been her healing output; it’s great.

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I really like this idea actually!

Theoretically you could 1v6 an enemy team with Reaper if you have good gamesense and timing. Being able to just save fade instead of possibly having it baited out was a good incentive to playing her over other supports and added a layer of mindgames which I think benefited her a lot since she’s generally a very basic hero. Being able to fade out of a CC ult and pop her own ult felt great and it wasn’t even much of a buff.

It seems like there’s just huge bias towards and against certain heroes on the balance team.

I keep hoping they nerf Ana’s anti-heal in her bio-Grenade to a reduced healing value which can give room to other heroes that can also have anti-heal in the game.

Let Moira’s Biotic-Orbs do the following:
Heal Orb: reduces anti-heal effects by 50%
Damage Orb: yields -50% anti-healing on targets which lasts for 2s after losing contact. It will not stack with itself but will add another 2s if replaced on the same target.

Biotic-grasp: -25% anti-heal only while maintaining contact with a target.

Finally let her Fade have vertical movement so she can attempt to track with dive heroes.

Well that’s neither here nor there. We can’t tell her parents what to do. :roll_eyes:

The change made her even more basic. It just made it easier to do things she already could do.

You could already do that. You can pay attention and fade away from Rein’s ult before it hits the ground, for example.


Wh— then what was the point D:


What’s wrong with giving her a quality of life change if she could already do it in a more difficult way? We’ve already seen stuff like “widow’s grapple shot doesn’t change her powerlevel so we’re leaving it in” which actually made Widow way stronger yet this minor change gets reverted after a couple days and doesn’t even make it to live.

I don’t see any logic behind this besides blatant bias.

Moira mains thoughts exactly. I saw this thread 1st before seeing the truth.

Could say the same about you.

Her change did not help her where she needs help. It’d only help her where she’s
already strong (low elos) and she’d remain unwanted where she needs help (high elos)

I love Moira. I want them to help her.
This was not the help she needed.