New map ideas ??

Please , make more lore based maps ( Really hoping to see the Overwatch Swiss Headquarters in the game some day)

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most of the maps are lore basedā€¦google each mapā€™s story and u will get it

Cool idea! I suggested an idea on the ā€œWhy do you hate Horizon Lunar Colonyā€ topic a couple days ago that it wouldā€™ve been nice if there were generators around that could be damaged to muck around with the gravity.

Could be interesting to combine both of your ideas (mine not included in this case) to have a mine that can be damaged over the course of the map (either by player interaction or just some pre-set earthquake that shakes it up, changing how players will need to approach it).

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I think a map set in Venice would be cool - maybe a payload map with a gondola as the payload. A water element on a new map would definitely be nice! And I always love the European aestheticā€¦


A map in Seoul would be cool

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Louisiana/New Orleans style map.
Push the payload (parade float) through party city, and then through spooky graveyard, then through foggy bayou.


Just draw like 12 different trees and copy/paste them at random. :rofl:

I want a reverse hybrid map. Where you push the payload first then cap a point.

Even crazier would be a payload, CP, payload map. Itā€™d basically be like a normal payload map except the middle portion is a CP. I think they could do some pretty interesting things with the design of the map since they donā€™t need a continuous route for the payload.

A tug of war style neutral payload map would be cool too. You need to push the payload to the other teams side which will get progressively harder since their spawn distance is getting shorter.


I would like to see a map like the planet Kamino from star wars, not sure how it would work but one can dream LOL

They dont mean expensive as in $$ they mean in system resources. They have many branches and surfaces and tons of leaves that require tons of polygons to be drawn. Plus they typically make it so the leaves sway and move, so even more resources. A forest scene in overwatch would probably even bring the most powerful gaming rig out there to its knees.


3 CP.

Filler filler filler.

Ahh I see. But then how do other games do it? Thereā€™s many forest scenes in many games. Is it very different, for example, rendering a map for a PvP match like in OW than it is for a like a campaign level in the story mode of any other game? Or even other pvp games like Ark: Survival Evolved, I mean, thatā€™s ALL forest in many areas and there are 20+ players and their beautifully rendered dinosaurs under a dense, detailed forest canopy. :thinking:

I would like arcade specific maps with wacky mechanics and/or environment; for example a map thatā€™s more vertical than horizontal and has multiple levels, a map with excessive amount of death pits, or even a map thatā€™s just one open space with no obstacles

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Rule of overwatch


Yeah but there are already few exceptions (forklifts, the attackers base in temple, bicycles in Eichnevalde and Nepal, the armored car in Uprising)

It woudl be fun to have an exception for 1 payload as well.

Iā€™d like the Galapagos, Amazon, and Bayou maps from the concept art / art book (I think ?). However, I understand that it would probably end up not living up to those grand expectations from the implication that trees / foliage in general is expensive. Maybe a Las Vegas or Venison map. I like some of the suggested ideas that others have said. :slight_smile:

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flat default textureless surface map when

That would be really cool :smiley: I love the idea of a payload map that has a payload built to ride on :slight_smile:

It could be like a mobile point/base that the team needs to defend from to keep the payload moving :slight_smile:

Cave system map. KOTH, takes place in a series of caves and tunnels. Maybe itā€™s an archaeological dig or something, maybe related to Oasis. (Like that big stone slab in that one spawn room.) Bonus points if thereā€™s an underground waterfall to run through.


Personally, I would like to see a reverse-hybrid map. With how hybrids work, you cap the first point and then escort the payload. With reverse-hybrid, you would escort first and then cap the final point. This is one thing that I would really like to see and possibly enjoy.