New legendary OWL MVP zen skin coming soon

Sorry if I’m late with this, but the overwatch league has teased a new skin coming soon for zenyatta. With some interesting orbs. It will most likely cost 200 tokens($10 usd), so don’t spend them yet!


Now this is a skin i can’t really think of a design for

a JJonak skin, just zen with Glasses?


It seems like it’s gonna be a legendary skin, with octupuses in the orbs, though I do hope zen has the classic jjonak glasses.

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Maybe a Lore skin that Zen will have? I hope so we need more info on him.

Will this be able to be bought with cash like Lucio and Mercy’s 2019 all star skins?

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I would assume that it would use OWL tokens as it is based on him being the mvp of OWL.

Edit: It says in the tweet to get your tokens ready, so yea, OWL tokens.

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These will be bought through tokens, so make sure not to spend them.

Ahh, I mean, can we buy the tokens? Like at the shop?

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Yes you can buy OWL tokens.

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It’ll most likely be 200 owl tokens, That’ll be $10 usd.

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Ahh ok! Thank you! :blush:


Did they do an MVP skin last year? or is this a new thing?

This is last year’s mvp skin. It just took them a really long time to add.


This is awesome! I’m excited to see what it looks like!

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I noticed they love giving Zen Cephalopod themed skins lol First Kuthulu, now this :laughing:


So am I! First zen is kuthulu now his orbs will be octopi. This is why I want to be able to mix and match skins and weapons. I’d combine those two in a heartbeat.


Sounds really cool from their reactions, I can’t wait!

Also, SBB is such a treasure, I miss seeing his Tracer so much :sob:

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I’m a massive JJonak fanboy so I’m way too excited about this.

If I’m not mistaken, JJonak (jjomullak najki) means something like clumsy/fumbling octopus, so if they actually incorporate an octopus into the skin that would be really awesome. And adorable.

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No more skins, MORE OPTIMIZATION !

I agree with you as well. The game seems to be getting better, but the graphic designers, balance team, and coders are all seperate entetites, they are not correlated. We can have lots of skins and a good game at the same time :+1: