New legendary OWL MVP zen skin coming soon

if it doesnt have his trademark glasses…i riot


I agree.
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind this skin in the game.



ha, it thinks I spelled it wrong

octopi, but the “technically” incorrect spelling is a-ok :-1:

When is the skin coming out?

I don’t know unfortunately, it may be released for the stage finals, two weeks from now. But that’s a total guess, it may be sooner.

How do i farm tokens?

You can just leave the overwatch stream on in the background, that’s what I do. I’ve gotten all of the all-stars skins that way, and have enough for this new skin. Make sure to connect your twitch account to your bnet account though.

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Which one? Does overwatch have a channel or something.

I’m a dummy at this kind of stuff.

Twitch This is the channels link.
This is a link to a great post WyomingMyst has made.
Overwatch League Rewards Guide - UPDATE on YouTube Platform Rewards Incentives
It will help you connect your account

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Good thing ive started keeping 200 on standby.

*incoherent excited zen main noises*

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I already visited that Wyommingmyst topic, its how I got my foot in the door.

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

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incoherent excited octopus noises


So have I, I hope people learned their “mistake” from last time and saved up points instead of spending them on recolors.

i have 400 that will never be touched…as they are reserved for the 2018 all star skins when blizz brings em back…

you heard me blizz…WHEN you bring them back

I don’t want to be that person… but… my eldritch lord might make me gibberingly mad before the right time, if I don’t tell you his properly spelled name.



octopus inside an orb? i smell pokemon

Zenyatta finally got new lore.

JJ is Zen.

I always do that xD

I have over 1,000 OWL tokens so I’m ready, won’t miss out like last year. :triumph:

Well, thankfully I got a 100 token drop yesterday so another skin coming is nice.