New Leadership for Overwatch

I hope everything is going well behind the scenes and that there isn’t any problems going on at blizzard.


Live with honor, die with glory…

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Ight, he’s hot all right.


I just cannot feel like this good for the “sequel”

Jeff really used an overwatch line at the end of his statement to what i feel like was directed right towards OW + Blizz/ACTV now

Couldnt they announced this like some sort of torch passing with OW 2 content update? or just anything talking about the game?

RIP overwatch


All my worries about OW2 are suddenly gone.


Best of luck Jeff, you will be missed

Is this an out of season April Fools joke?

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A lot of veteran devs at Blizzard have been hopping ship over the past two months, Jeff is pretty shocking to see go.

There’s clearly a lot of internal shakeups at Blizzard, guess we’ll see how that leads to the future of the company.


Feels more like he was fired rather than he decided it was time to quit because his goals were accomplished. Especially with that farewell note.


I can’t imagine Overwatch without Jeff, as I always watched his updates and enjoyed the way he narrates things. I understand that game is not an achievement of the one person but of the entire development team, but I feel like without Jeff I wouldn’t be able to enjoy OW2 as it’s not going to be the game I will like.

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The Lead Director and face of the game leaving when the game is at its lowest point and the sequel is far from being out doesn’t make me hopeful for OW2 at all…


Not me on the verge of crying confusedly.


BYE JEFF :(((( we’ll miss the dev updates, memes and christmas streams :((((

jeff kaplan we will miss you…

Tbh it’s an older picture, working on getting the BlizzCon clip of Aaron.

Honestly I can’t say I wasn’t expecting this to happen. It’s kinda sad, though.

Now I know how Nintendo fans felt when Reggie left.
Rip the memes


I’m kind of worried as to why Jeff left considering he did so during the middle of OW2’s development. Makes me wonder if there’s been conflict between him and Activision or if there’s something else going on.


“Legendary spray with Jeff come to game soon.”
I didn’t see that in topic.


So he is apparently the “city guy”

But apart from that, I haven’t found much else that he currently worked on…

Starting to worry about gameplay Aspects