New hitboxes are unreal big

I’m sure you are gm+ right?

Like yea ow has bigger hitboxes than other shooters. It always has way more mobility and no movement acceleration.

But feel free to show some clips of you just hitting all your shots since the hitboxes are bigger.

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It doesn’t. But it’s harder to stay alive. Which lifts the skill floor a bit in other things, while skill floor in aiming is lowered.

In high rank, people are good at aiming anyway, but even there staying alive became more difficult.

Fair point

I haven’t taken it seriously since I started tbh

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Wrong. Because the difference is in landing more shots, not landing shots to begin with. That’s always been the case in high elo.


Oh wait, you’re serious :skull:

You mean the guys that would get hardstuck at around Diamond because OW requires actual brainpower to play?

If you’re not among the best, honestly you don’t get to call the game easy. You’re playing in chump ranks talking like a big shot

My guy, I don’t care if you are the creator of TitanFall, or whatever game … I am telling you how it workss in OW2 and anyone can verify this. Do you understand english? because at this point I don’t even know. Its not about “I am a Dev and you are not” this is well documented and you can literally see it on THIRD person or playing with someone else on the training room.

Now again, do you understand these words I just wrote? Since apparently you refuse to test in game AND do a google search, don’t wreck your brain pal, here it is:

The raycast has nothing to do with the actual hitbox colliding, you say you are a Dev but once again, you really seem clueless. Do you understand that “bullets” and “beams” and “projectiles” have a hitbox and a collision will generate a “hit reg” ?

Because you really dont need to hit the CENTER of a Head in order to produce a headshot and the hitbox of the bullet/beam/projectile, coupled with proximity will indeed cut off the angle faster and seemingly in a “weird” way.

You posted 1 weird clip, cool : Now prove that you can go into the training room and do the same , SAME DISTANCE (barely 20cm away from her head) and see what happens. Post a video because no one believes you at this point.

Go ahead, we’ll wait.


Umm, this change happened like 8 months ago. You are a little late posting about it buddy, lol.

But, if you really want to see the changes, here is a better video:

You know, it is allowed to elaborate.

Oh wow, so this was just about swinging d’s and not having a discussion?

I shouldn’t need to lmfao

No, I just said what needed to be said. If the game is so easy, you should be a god at it, right?

It does take skill. There are more skills than just mechanics. But those skills require thought which clearly isn’t something you’re doing very often.


I get it. Blizzard covertly hired a cybernetically enhanced monkey to watch me playing. Every time I’m playing well, the monkey jumps out and knocks the controller out of my hands. The lengths they will go to to rig the game for no discernable benefit boggles the mind.

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Well, let that be your last words, you are on /ignore from here on out.

Why hire a monkey when you can make one… check out the packet burst issues going on in black ops.

Activision has been honing eomm to an art form and the harder you try to fight it the harder weird glitches( aka black screen, alt tab from no where, missing frames slower/faster gameplay, aim resist, augmented hitboxes…oh my fav… device render failure…) HAPPEN!

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I can assure you, that if you go into the game with someone else and replicate what you saw me do in my youtube, that you will as the observer see the weapon penetrate into the box or wall. The shots you will see come through the wall and hit the target, just like you saw in the youtube. How can this be? If it were as you say, the projectile or beam would hit the wall, right? But it doesn’t because the beam/projectile is 100% visual and nothing else. The “real” projectile comes from the center of the camera.

Just go do the test.

Are you stuck in a loop my guy?

I already proved you wrong with the video so IDK why you keep rambling.

It doesn’t, for the 5th time (see the mcree LOS)
You can’t head glitch in OW2 like in Apex because of that reason lol.

My dude that is the SIDE check. The LOS is 100% vertical, the issue we are talking about is not the HORIZONTAL check. Get close to the target, not the wall, vertically.



Wait, did you just “New hitboxes”?? Bro those have been out for 4 seasons (8 months) now :sob:

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Whatever you say… :slight_smile:

Ya, I guess I first became really shocked now, when I saw it in action for real.
But I did mean the S9 hitboxes, ya.

Yea, this change above all is the worst change ever. Just letting people have free shots and thinking they’re good at the game when they 100% are just bad and only getting lucky, is next level insanity.



You don’t even have to shift around a wall or any other cover, with the right timing the GA itself can disconnect Dead Eye’s target connection.

I wish I could give you a clip but the last time I did it was a couple weeks ago, and the replay is gone.

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If hitboxes were consistently this bad I feel like I’d hit a lot more than I do despite terrible aim. I miss as much as I did in OW1 I feel like.

Although I do notice even a lot of QP games recently (after having not played in months) seemed like other people had much better aim on average compared to when I played in OW1 or even early OW2. Some games it feels like half the people in the game either have pro-player aim, are using hacks or maybe are console players with aim assist.

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I believe the many accusations of hacking stems from the hitbox changes. It feels so overwhelming, that it feels like hacking, if people have decent aim.
Cassidy is a pure terror because he lands so many shots with these changes, and because his fire rate is so high at the same time.

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