New high sr mmr

I’m very curious to how this will affect players such as I, who have been masters for quite some time. Since the cap you can get after placements is now 3900, I feel like after people place, its just going to be a dumpster fire of unbalanced teams w/ the mixing of masters and gm/t500 players.
I think it is a good idea on paper, but in practice I doubt it will be super great for people trying to break into gm, such as I. I am currently rated 3899 as well, so I have no idea how placements will affect me and my sr. Sounds like I’m just doing placements to either go up 1 sr or to lose sr, and then have to wait until high gm players get their ranks ups so the games arent super funky, and hope I can win games.
I really think seasons just need to be removed/find an alternate format of putting them out, because the current state is people in the last 2 weeks or so of ranked, just mess around on alts and throw or smurf. It makes ends up seasons very unbearable and a chore to try and play.

It prevents people from camping rank. Reduces the amount of boosted players in the upper ranks as well as shutting down the market for sold accounts…


“Players are still matched with other players of similar skill, as we want to keep matches as fair and fun as possible.” – Josh Nash

That is, match making is still done by MMR not SR. Think of it as everyone whose MMR is high masters or above starts out with SR decay.