New Hero ... The Ultimate

HealBot …

This Heroes supports their team by either healing for an insane about of healing or bubbleish abilities …

They will have the lowest damage of anyone other hero in the game.

Was space rangers leaked and if she is another healbot I am gonna be disappointed.

WHY?? We have ENOUGH DPS heroes is every role. We need MORE heroes that do much much more than DPS. They have even have very low DPS

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Where are you getting this leak for one and two we do not need more Mercy and Lifeweaver like supports it’s bad design. Supports aren’t just healers and should always be encouraged to be active in a team fight.


I rather have more kirikos. mechanical rewarding primary, good mobility, maybe not as good at duels but great peeler.

i honestly hate it when my supports expect to get carried.

watching kirikos healbot like a mercy makes my heart die inside of me.


A support that’s made for helping allies instead of shooting enemies isn’t bad design, it’s just not for you.

We’ve already got a bunch of aim-intensive shooty combat-medic supports, but have barely any options if you want to play a genuinely suppportive playstle instead of spending the whole match playing Shooting Simulator.

I really hope space ranger is going to be another attempt at a Mercy-like support… Especially since the dev’s first attempt didn’t really pan out.

Tangent time: it’s really obvious that the current dev team just copied Mercy’s homework without understanding the language when they made Lifeweaver, because they also copied all of her spelling errors - the Old Dev’s decision to turn Mercy’s main kill denial move (rez) into a single-target cooldown was arguably the must hated change in Overwatch’s entire history, and now the New Devs have repeated their predecessor’s mistakes with Life Grip.

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They should bring back Orisa’s old ult… the instrument that boosted damage for everyone who was in line of sight of it.

It is, because it’s not interactive or skillful. So the devs have to keep every hero like that super weak JUST to prevent them from being overpowered.

That would work wonderfully as a support ult. Just don’t think of how broken that would be when used together with kitsune rush XD

Oh joy let’s add more Suzu mechanics. Yay!!! :face_vomiting:

I know many disagree. But I thought LW was one of the coolest new heroes design wise.

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In terms of design as in personality and looks, sure. But LW as a Support is just objectively bad design because he’s not an interactive hero. He has the easiest immortality ability to use, insane survivability, and doesn’t need to do anything but spam heals that cannot miss. Outside of extremely niche interactions with Petal, his kit has no skill ceiling. And his skill floor is extremely low.

Cool and well designed are different things. I actually don’t mind playing LW. And I LOVE playing Mercy. But I know that both heroes are fundamentally just very bad design

sorry i talked about high mobile supports with a critable primary. doesn’t need the duelist features kiriko has.
but should be more than fire and forget abilities like orb from moira.

if kiriko, illari and Co where in ow1 we would never have had so much fear ammong the supports who could only flee or smurf on lucio/zen.

i like zen but i hade his movement, so slow…
i like lucio but his primary isn’t my type.
i like ana but again imobile.
mercy / moira are mobile but lack player input or crit modifier and use fire and forget…
lifeweaver is fun but feels strange to me. might has to do with his slow weapon swap. compared to Kiriko or bap who can switch back and fourth at an instant.
illari is okay, her healing is wierd to me as you run out of ressurces.
bap is cool, mobility is refreshing, dmg feels okay healing is nice, don’t like the burst fire and missable heals that much tbh.
kiriko, I love her. amazing mobility, great primary and secondary fire. suzu is just a icing on the top with a high impact cd that needs to hit allthought forgiving.

kiriko litteraly turned me, a dps main into a support main. Because of her gameplay loop.
And I am not super high ranked, Wouldn’t even call it high. So I am not taking crazy advantage of suzu, more a buffer to push more heals.

I actually wrote “without the strong dueling features necessary, which kiriko has” But deleted it again. :sweat_smile:

Sometimes turning my brain off and spamming heals is fun if the team can win with it. Not all heroes need to be hyper active. And life grip used well is so much fun and the only time players thank me from the bottom of their heart. It’s so much fun.

Hyperactive and interactive are two different things though. It can be fun doing these things, but how about facing them?

Lifeweaver isn’t an interactive hero. You sit back and spam healing. If someone gets low, you use your immortality on them. If someone attacks you, you use your Petal and keep healing while ignoring them. There’s not a way to make that fun or fair to face. All you can do is make it bad so people rarely have to play against it.

THIS ^^^

I want to play a genuinely supportive playstyle instead of spending the whole match playing Shooting Simulator

SO what?? Why can we have ONE hero like that? Stop buffing his thorns, nerf his thorns and buff his heals!

Ok your point?

THAT IS FUN for some people!

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If you want a character that’s all about supporting their teammates through various buffs and utility, that’s fine. But a pure healbot is not something that I want in a new character. It’s bad enough enough getting a Mercy + LW combo as it is. Damage is valuable in this game and losing out on damage from not one, but two players is brutal on everyone else in the team.

Excessive healing isn’t something that I’m on board with seeing even more of in the game because of how it can bog down the gameplay. The DPS passive might be the clumsiest and daft way of lowering healing outputs, but I do enjoy the effect. I was really happy to see it get bumped back up to 20%.

Being a tank with two healbots is such a miserable experience most of the time that it’s a very good way to make me queue up as support instead, since that’s the only way to stop it happening.

How about we not make yet another Support a healer, yeah?

You wanna stop heal creep? Stop adding healers to add to the heal creep. We don’t need more healing. We could go 2 years with fully utility oriented Support releases and still not feel a lack of healing.

The Support Role needs to change, and if Space Ranger just ends up to be yet another healer, I’ll just throw myself off a bridge.

Healing is a form of support, but not all Supports need to be healers.


How about we not make another Support a DPS with some heals.

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It is bad design, you should be encouraged to interact with the enemies as support not completely discouraged like you are with Lifeweaver and Mercy. We need more Kiriko’s, Baptiste’s, Ana’s, Zenyatta’s, and Lucio’s these are the heroes that truly define the identity of the support role IMO.