New Hero ... The Ultimate

WHY do you need to interact with the enemy as a support?

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Isn’t that just Mercy’s Ult only stationary and without the option to heal?

Interacting with the enemy is more the just dealing damage(Lucio boop, ana anti, brig knock backs, Suzu outplays) but ideally you should be dealing damage. Heal botting is going to get you nowhere and pitching in to the team DPS while simultaneously healing helps end team fights faster.

Mercy is just straight up bad design IMO, you don’t interact with the enemy at all and she feels bad to play with and play against . She should not be used as a basis to design any future supports period.

More or less

I think that’s the obvious area she lacks in. Her pistol just isn’t enough.

I’d like her to be able to use GA to slingshot past her teammate, into the enemy, and use the butt end of her staff as a melee weapon - with a damage multiplier depending on speed (…which could be used in a combo with kiri’s ult or Lucio’s speed that could be really fun…or problematic). It would make her more dangerous, more engaging, and more risky as it could put her into a vulnerable spot if used poorly/at the wrong time.

Currently it feels like you ignore the enemy with her while you fly around trying to heal/boost your team

No she shouldn’t. But I don’t want ANY of the current supports used as a basis either - give us something different

Mercy does not need a boost to pistol…


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??? is this a joke? the only people that like mercy are mercy players.
she has basically no utility, a mid ult, has no mechanical demand and is best used as a pocket bot. they could not stay far enough away from that sort of play style if they want the game to be worth playing.

I actually ENJOY the healbot playstyle… I could care less if I DPS at all.

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you have poor taste.

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he is cool. Just that he is supposed to be “heal first” but his heals are sad.

They don’t need to have a boat load of damage, just damage enough to be able to fend off flankers - Supports aren’t meant to be free picks. And they shouldn’t all be healers. People love complaining about heal creep, but always cry for buffs to Supports when they can’t fill a Tank’s entire health pool in less than a second.

But NONE OF THEM are just healers, for the people that love that playstyle

Because it makes the game worse for everyone else.

Not to face. No one likes facing LW.