New Hero OWL Skins Missing?

Anybody else missing the OWL skins for Kiriko, JunkerQueen, and Sojourn that was the reward for watching Grand Finals? I had at least a full 3 hours of watch time, and never had issues with YouTube drops before. Just curious if that’s the same for anyone else?

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Many people have problems.

Blizzard just does not care.

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Yea thats nothing.

They had enough time to prep for this and enough time to fix issues.

They are officially a scam company.

Not scamming because they are fixing the problem

Sorry that you have to…wait…but I dont even think they were expecting so many people to be watching the Grand finals and their systems probably got overloaded

I’m missing:

100 token bonus
50-60 regular tokens
OWL Turns 5 Player Icon
Grand Finals 2 Spray
Sojourn Skins

I already had the Lucio Dance Party Emote, and every prior grey/white OWL set made available prior to this promo. So it’s hard to gauge where it broke - but I did get Sigma and Baptiste skins so I think that was the 15 hour mark.

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Its probably a thing on YouTube’s end tbh. It’s the most tempramental piece of garbage ever. The drops were working, I got some up to like 12 hours but it’s deffo a YouTube problem in trying to verify who got what.

So glad the contract’s over and I hope they go back to Twitch. OWL was sooo much better on Twitch.

Yea obviously I want the OWL skins, but it’s not like I paid for them lol. I don’t mind waiting a bit, I was just hoping I wasn’t the only one missing them