how long will it take until you improve doomfist again?
those 0.2s faster reload won’t gonna do it. how much data do your team need?
Does this mean that the changes to Sym and Torb are changes that WILL require changes in the artwork and audio?
Hey Jeff, it would be really nice if the “Simple Geometry” line could stay, because it’s one of the most iconic Hanzo lines, and despite the hate scatter always got, I feel like people would be sad to see the voiceline go. Even if it was moved to be a generic kill voiceline rather than an ability kill one I for one would be satisfied.
Hard work pays off! - Torbjörn Lindholm!
Pretty sure they’re not set on what they actually want to do with those Heroes yet, Similar to how they were testing out several different abilities for Hanzo (That were never animated/had sound effects/etc) before being set with what they actually want to do.
Wait… does it mean that Leap and Volley are solid enough you are going to the PTR with them?
If I may ask, are all the possible scatter-replacements high burst damage? Or are there thoughts of focusing his kit elsewhere? I saw an idea a while back for a nice utility skill to go well with his sonic arrow.
If I remember correctly it was a handful of caltrops he throws in an AOE in-front of him, and any enemy that walked over them had their movement speed significantly slowed and a DOT applied while in the AOE, i think the idea was that Hanzo is a mid-range sniper, unlike widow who is long range, so he can clog up a chokepoint with them to make pushing harder, alternatively he could use them as an deterrent in corridors, as any enemy chasing an Hanzo through such a place would be easy to shoot in the head when slowed.
Jeff Kaplan only has 2 forum posts. You noob.
Thanks for the reply. Hopefully this gives people a little insight into the development process.
This thread might be what you are thinking of (remove the spaces after “https://” and “battle”).
While I agree that the caltrops would be an awesome addition for team utility if they wanted to move away from his burst capability, I also think that removing some sort of burst from Hanzo’s kit will leave him in a very niche place that revolves around his utility instead of him as a whole.
This opinion is simply from the perspective of “fun” however; because I think caltrops would definitely change meta in a way that would encourage more Hanzo picks in competitive, but I think the overall “fun” of Hanzo would be brought down by removing his potential damage and removing a fun mechanic without replacing it with one that is also fun.
The addition of the “horizontal double jump” is going to solve the problem of Hanzo’s mobility, while the Volley will replace a fun mechanic with one of similar value.
So this means that this is going to be be quite the final rework for him then!
Any chance Blizzard’s famous phrase “anti-fun” will be looked at? Especially in regards to Junkrat spam and Moira numbers?
Can someone explain to me why they hate Scatter Arrow? I’ve been able to kill Hanzo easily as a Pharah main. I don’t see anything wrong with his scatter arrow…
Ohh orange…Please say “Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker”
inb4 Scatter becomes the new Ultimate so they can keep the lines
Please i beg you make it so it doesn’t add too much visual clutter like Moira. I beg you
Will he get new voicelines? And will his old Scatter ones just be removed?
It’ll be sad to see Simple Geometry go.
woop woop new hanzo. PTR is probably gonna be loaded with people.
Good to know. I look forward to testing him in the PTR!
please add kate shot ability
that will access hanzo to more maneuvering
attack enemies who are behind of shields, walls and more
also can use another ability with kate shot
just need to hold right click (choose target) and drag mouse to kate … press shift or E for use ability and kate shot ultimate too