New experimental patch (July 29, 2021)

I’m very surprised Soldier got a damage buff… I think he was already slowly becoming the best hitscan after the falloff changes… I think this pretty much solidifies it. I was already dealing a ton of damage with him on live… this extra point of damage is going to be very noticeable


Yeah this is pretty much a terrible patch except maybe the wrecking ball one.

Good changes in general, in theory.

I like the wrecking ball ones for the ult specifically. I got killed by his ult because they deploy on contact with surface, so the ones that attached to walls got enabled way faster and you legit can’t see them sometimes.

no no, it will be nerfed to 15hp because too OP

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that means one less bullet to kill, it does make a difference. I definitely missed that damage when it was nerfed last time

Doom is pretty bad it’s cheaper than dva ult, I don’t like how they are messing around ult and making it easier, he won’t become op, but it’s just removing skill play around ults

Its actually HUGE. 20 damage is a major breakpoint for Soldier on 200HP heroes. That was just a drastic boost on his time to kill and might make Soldier meta again


Coming from a biased console player.

Also he does 5 bullets isn’t it per second? or more so it’s more than 1 damage

(sadly the ow wiki website has been butchered by trolls so I cannot check)

Omg yay, no Mercy nerfs. And a moira buff, at least something :smiley:

I love how Hammond’s “oBjEcTiVe StAlL” is still complained about as if he is invincible and doesn’t literally have to move in a completely predictable CIRCLE in order to achieve that. People still can’t predict where a hero will be to shoot if they spin… in… a… repetitive… circle???

And then it’s completely ignored that Mei can also stall ( with not 1, but TWO of her abilities!), Lucio can also stall, Pharah can also stall… make sure you start taking away their abilities to hold a point with their crazy abilities too! I guess people can figure out how to shoot a MORE unpredictable LUCIO going in circles on the point?? I guess an Ice Wall FOLLOWED by Ice Block, both of which ACTUALLY make you UNABLE to shoot Mei is ok… but not the GIANT ball moving in a CIRCLE.

The Devs love to hate on Hammond with illogical bias, just like the forums. If only there was some way to stop him from stalling… hmmmm…
Shoot, stun, boop, junk’s trap, junk’s mine, freeze, block with a wall, slam and punch, sleep dart, Hog Hook, triple combo Echo attack, damage orb bouncing back and forth along with biotic grasp, Hack, MELT with a bastion or symm’s and torb’s AUTO AIM… and again… SHOOT!

It’s beyond laughable that they are still finding ways to make Hammond more unplayable and their bias against him shows.
You can always tell who the devs personally like and hate to play.

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As a wrecking ball main:

  • This whole year have been nerfs after nerfs for Hammond. Being completely honest, some were indeed very needed like double booping / drop booping were too OP techs that could make you secure easy kills in seconds.
  • However, other nerfs have been obnoxious as they were not needed at all since they don’t fix any of the main issues with the hero and still they passed through. Nerfs like his max shields nerf, or not being able to perform piledrives on specific low grounds, or the hitscan nerf overall.
  • Not to mention the 15% knockback reduction nerf which was huge and most people have forgotten about it. The thing is, Hammond’s booping distance escalates with velocity and this nerf is even more big than what 15% looked on paper. It really ruined a lot of environmental kill potential for this hero.
  • With the new experimental patch they ruin spawn rollouts or being able to stagger the point with WB, which is why most of the people play him a lot nowadays, since he has become even more niche than before with this nerf year. He isn’t that powerful anymore and has A TON, and I mean A TON of hard counters in the game, almost half the roster hard counters Hammond with CC, damage, abilities or whatever. Playing tank is a hell of an experience for any tank in general and even more for Hammond players sometimes, it’s just straight up dying, feeding and dying.
  • The new shields buff in this experimental should have been a thing in the first place because the cast time of the ability is really a life saver on very specific situations as the damage output in this game really is huge and having 600 HP + 500 HP from shields can still go away in 1-2 seconds, and his shields sometimes wouldn’t appear in time before getting completely obliterated.
  • The new minefield change could be both good and bad since sometimes you would look to attach specific mines on small corridors to trap the enemy team and wipe them into the mines, and that’s going to be impossible now.

Overall I hate the whole ExC except for Genji and Hog.


I appreciate the Doom change and Hog change i guess, Moira’s was unneeded, her survivability wasn’t a problem, and Soldier 76 and Hammond i don’t know how to feel about, i wish they’d stop nerfing Hammond, what did he do to deserve it? and 76 taking more time out of his field to heal just means you have to do the “safety” dance more.

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For real actually.

I’m staring to see Brig 1.0 nerfs on Hammond.

at least your mines won’t stick on walls…

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hammond can do insane stalls when the objective is too close to spawn. They’re just addressing that part. If his stalling potential isn’t that big, this change should do nothing.

But that’s the thing, hamm becomes the stalling initiator and then the team changes to more and more stalling heroes. And hamm always gets back creating a vicious loop.


TBH I don’t ever notice an issue or hear anyone talking about the mines sticking to walls. But I mean, it’s an ult, if people’s problem is they think this is some op factor of WB, then they need to explain all of the changes they want to other hero’s OP Ults too.
It’s an ultimate, the POINT is to get maximum amounts of damage.

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Exactly. Think of point B on 2cp maps. Disgusting stall potential.

Please see…

and then please explain why Mei should be able to stall excessively with her two abilites where you CAN’T touch her, and all of the Hammond haters don’t seem to have issue with this?
Or Lucio’s speed boost so he can get to point quicker and just skate in circles around the walls?
Symms teleporter should also start with cooldown then, because that’s also the same issue.

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I hated when they made WB’s ult stick to walls. Too often using his ultimate in the air would get the balls stuck on some random wall or ceiling and be useless.

Most of the changes sound like they are making the characters more fun to play… with the exception of balls grapple CD. They’ve been making ball less fun to play with every change it seems.


Doomfist is neat.
Roadhog implies kit but lists ultimate? unsure
Moira change is nice, buffs her but won’t break her.
Genji unsure on.
Soldier 76 I actually dislike because I feel his identity is tied to his unique support capability, this just further makes him point and shoot man and gives less team play potential.
The wrecking ball buffs are pretty decent actually, its just unfortunate that grapple starts on CD now.

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