New EXC: Nothing for Doom

Another experimental card released and absolutely nothing for Doomfist. It is a joke now.

You are leaving heroes like Doom in the trash. Not to mention Symmetra, Bastion etc.

The closest we got to a bug fix is a god damn visual fix in a POTG animation.

Doom is worthless. We are not asking for buffs or nerfs. Just fix the 50+ bugs Doom has, and revert his uppercut.

Stop leaving incredibly fun heroes in the dumpster. Please.


Symmetra actually isnā€™t doing that badly atm.

As for bastion he needs a rework.

Doom though? I have no idea what theyā€™re doing.


They buff reinā€™s damage by 10 but they canā€™t give Genji +1 damage and they canā€™t revert the uppercut nerf. Rein didnā€™t even need a buff.


Theyā€™re terrified of buffing Genji and Doom because the majority of the player base will throw a temper tantrum because they canā€™t deal with easy to kill heroes


Iā€™m gold and I can track his double jump fine. It took like five minutes of a custom game for me to learn how w to hit him in double jump.

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Be careful, they dont like facts


This EXC was not about the C-tier DPS heroes, it was about buffing the 2 worst tanks while nerfing the problem supports.

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Reinhardt isnā€™t even that bad. And even if he was, it was because of double barrier not his power level. They just need to remove that meta and Rein/Winston will become viable again

He wasnt viable before double barrier. The previous meta was not a Rein meta nor was the one before that. Rein is simply not good.

The previous top 3 tanks were Sigma Ball and Hog with occasional mixing of DVA Zarya and Orisa (for specific 2CP maps to go with Sigma).


Did I miss something? Why are people asking for single digit changes to Genjiā€™s damage?

Beyond that, the extra damage Reinā€™s getting is supposed to help him contend with characters like Roadhog; Rein kinda rolls over when Hog, Reaper, and such walks to him.

It hits a break point, you will be able to right click + melee 200 hp heroes. A lot of the time genjiā€™s targets survive with like 2 hp, so buffing his damage by 1 would alleviate that.


Well, doom definately needs the uppercut revert and nothing more but bugs fixed.

Sadly though this forums is filled with around 12.2k mercy mains and really hardcore devoted dva mains with their body pillows. So , youā€™re just gonna be denied everything but mercy buffs here.

Like Genji could get a deflect buff and still be the same , the same could do for doom too. How much does it hurt to test it out on experimental?


But we need Reinhardt buffs that no asked for! Priorities! :woozy_face:


I think the problem for doom is that he is too oppressive in lower ranks and too bad in higher ones. You canā€™t really do much about that tbhā€¦

Fix his bugs and revert uppercut, thatā€™s all we want.

ngl Sym was fine without the buff but now she completely holds her own. +25 shields (not hp) was the right call.

The point about Doomfist QoL is entirely relevant. Iā€™d settle for 1-2 fixes so as not to powercreep.

I canā€™t believe people find him at all oppressive. There isnā€™t an Ana or Hog who misses CC on him in the <500 so clearly heā€™s shutdown everywhere else on the ladder because 99% of people are above those skill breakpoints.

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Changed ā€œsupportsā€ to ā€œsupportā€. Fixed.

you know rein needs a team to get to his traget?

people hate mobility and want ez answers to deal wih mobility lmao. its such a shame really. im still sad that pharah didnt get her jetpack buff too and i know that people are gonna complain about that as well.

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It really is sad OP, best we can do is just wait and waitā€¦ and wait.

Please buff the following heroes devs, they are so grotesquely bad.
