NEW! Developer update video - BlizzCon 2018 preview / 1.30 PTR NOW LIVE!

hmm, well honestly, they are probably focused on blizzcon, so while they are working, they are trying to get stuff ready like that new feature.

World Cup viewer? Really?
Stop putting time and resources into E-sports stuff nobody asked for! Focus on the game first, all that e-sport stuff is very secondary.
There are a lot of balance problems! There is a real gameplay content drought and the game becomes stale! New spectator feature is not something you need to be focused on.

Also, Hog changes are pathetic. He is still a hero without meaningful role or purpose.


Did you even watch the video? The feature is a critical first step to something we want.


What we want? To spectate our own games?
I want to play the game, not to watch replays. I want to play a balanced game and I want new gameplay content for that game, not an ability to look at how I played a game.

thats what you want, that isn’t what everyone wants, many wanted replay features

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Do we get tokens for world cup?

No Overwatch League tokens are for Overwatch League events only. There are no announcements to any kind of streaming rewards for the World Cup finals and with the announcement of this feature, I am not expecting any.

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Thank you for replying to me WyomingMyst, Appreciate the help!

It’s gonna be nice to watch the matches from healers pov for a change.

I…actually expected a lot more from Blizzcon. And I hate this game almost with an every burning passion.

But wow this was…um an eye opener. I’m almost sympathetic at this point.

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Because her new primary as of 3.0 sucks.

It looks like they’re gonna reveal a new hero instead of a map this year for Blizzcon. Jeff seems very excited for the event. You can’t be this excited if it’s not a hero or a map. It could be a new game mode or something who knows.

In Past BlizzCons, its been a new hero, and a new map and some sort of content:

  • 2016 - Sombra, Oasis, Arcade Modes
  • 2017 - Moira, BlizzardWorld, New Standard Lootbox Goodies

I have a feeling they are saving a new map for early 2019, but as they said, they want to make it special when it comes time.

New hero buffs aside, I am anticipating a replay system. Watching your own matches in several points of view is going to allow for more learning and self-analysis, which is going to help a LOT of people.

Or he could be nervous because history is repeating itself from his old WOW days as a developer.

Here’s a hint. It wasn’t a good time.

Don’t say this when you really mean

Replay system has been a demand from quite a large portion of the community, as has a demo system for pro play (which people are quite fond of reminding us existed as far back as Quake).

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I want doughnuts too.

Or chocolate eclairs.

I want it.

We want different things, and that is ok. But don’t assume your wants is indicative of the whole community.