New dev update is just salt in the wounds

Rarely is impactful, not always in my opinion…
But it still don’t give the feel to make an impact in the game

(Sorry For bad english)

Buffing Valkyrie’s numbers up a bit in no way helps its situation of being the most boring, mind numbing, uninteresting thing in the whole game.

Well let’s see :thinking: Widows ult is just wall hacks, doesn’t do a lot to help anybody but her, Tracer can kill herself with it and it’s hard to even get 2 kills with it, Torb just nuts and many heroes can counter it, and Winston just get angery.

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Some buff LOL, Valk’s damage boost is still more useful than the chain heal the vast majority of the time.


The complaints about Valk feeling unimpacful were still around when Mercy’s healing was 60HPs base. I don’t see how this really addresses any of the criticism that Valk as an ult recives.


I am convinced the devs decide the Mercy changes by flipping a coin or something like that because they are always so random. Valkyrie has probably had more changes to it than all other ults put together and it has been in the game for a little more than year. If that doesn’t scream “We have no clue what we are doing” then what does?

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Nowhere in my post did I say “mercy has always been OP.” I said she was, at one point, OP.

Now, support picks are relatively balanced. That video has nothing to do with what I said in my post.

Do I get voted off the Island if I say I’m happy with the buffs?


They are listening to you; they heard the billion and one threads about Mercy being too weak and did something about it. Them not bringing mass rez back or some other convoluted rework doesn’t mean they’re not listening

Quite honestly, I’m disgusted by this blowback

This is why they don’t talk here


They will take months to rework her, and they definitely don’t want to revert her (Although with a LOS nerf, it would fix the problem she had).

This is just a bandaid fix, I hope…
It’s better than getting nothing. Although yes, one can’t help but feel disappointed when the most boring ability in Mercy’s kit was buffed to be used more often.

We’ll probably get a rework after Bastion, possibly.

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Widows ultimate is impactful because it gives so much information to her and her team, torb can completely shut down half or all of a point. Winston full heals to 1000 hp, displaces entire teams and can pop off with environmental kills. All are impactful.

But they aren’t as impactful as others, and I think Mercys current ult is better than Widow’s and Winstons at least.

I’m happy because it’s finally been acknowledged that Mercy is UP. This buff might not fix her but at least I’ll believe it when the team say’s they’re watching her.

I mean it’s better than nothing. I’m not happy with her state but atleast they gave us something better. One step closer

Mercy ult is a spectating button, widows ult can allow her to see through walls and headshot before being seen, allows team to dive heroes they shouldnt know about. Winston can completely rip the enemy team apart and scatter them etc.

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Salt in the wounds is a good way to put it. This still won’t help mercy’s pick rate as she doesn’t have utility or a defensive ult, it won’t make a difference and does not help her core problems. It also shows they really don’t care about our feedback at all.


Mercy mains:
Mercy gets nothing but nerfs.
Gets buff
ThIs iS Not wHAt wE wAntEd. REVERT!


No you dont, im happy we finally broke the 15 nerf streak, its just the fact its an insulting buff.

Can’t believe I’m falling for this bait lmao

(Also can people ever be happy?)


Meanwhile Bastion.
Poor robot is THE worst character in the game and doesn’t receive any love.

But yes, Valkyrie wasn’t the problem. But still, I’m curious if these changes have an impact on her pickrate and winrate.

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