New Competitive and PvE Changes for OW2!

Can’t link the article for some reason, but go check out thecosmiccircus dot com they made an article about competitive and pve changes they’ve heard are coming to OW2 that haven’t been announced.

If what this site says is accurate, I’m very intrigued and curious. Kinda like the golden guns one.


Only important points of Info I found for people who don’t want to read

  • Gold guns will be removed entirely with no way to get the
  • Cross progression confirmed
  • Reusable items removed from PVE (I.E grenades, etc.)

(Not sure how much of this is true, just stating what the article says)


If true and not just temporary, they’re utterly nuts if they’re getting rid of gold weapons. The weapon customization system needs expanded, not tossed.


A lot of “I have heard” and no sources whatsoever? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Lots of “I’ve heard of”. Never heard of this website so I can’t say if this is credible.

If true, praise, finally.


Which they can still do…even after getting rid of golden guns…

Apex Legends has weapon skins and charms you get from the Battle Pass or Cosmetic store or randomly in a lootbox that you get from leveling up. I expect OW to follow a similar model for cosmetics.

The point of removing them is removing the incentive for non-competitive people to play competitive.


Changing the system (which I’m fine with) doesn’t mean they have to stop making gold weapons though. It’s silly to totally remove an option rather than just introduce a different way of obtaining them.


I wonder if the devs have looked at any competing FPS games recently. CoD, Valorant and Apex all have gun customisation because people will throw so much money at cosmetics. I can understand wanting to move gold guns away from being a comp incentive but removing them entirely is a really bad move

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I actually thought the idea was neat. It opened up new ways to play. There probably was balancing issues and playtesters found a meta item loadout or something lol.

Or perhaps they want the interact button to be freed up for something else. Maybe we’ll be pressing f to trigger traps


I don’t trust these websites spamming OW2 speculation/rumor articles

One is going “THERES UNDERWATER HEROES AND MAPS CONFIRMED” and the entire article is just pointing to Kephrii suggesting it

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I’m hoping they don’t follow Apex’s monetization model… everything takes soooooooooooooooooooooooo long to unlock in that game.

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This is sad, if true. I was looking forward to cool items in PVE. Hopefully the items will live on in New Hero kits. The corrosive grenade would be a cool ability.


It’s most likely to avoid receiving flack. They have a source but if the information is not 100%, then it means they don’t get flack for saying it was 100% confirmed.

I don’t think golden weapons will be entirely removed, maybe the method of obtaining then will change but damn, getting rid of them autogenerated if a bit to much

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yeah it slow, fortnite is a lot more reasonable. you can earn vbucks from just playing the game and buy battle passes with those

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No way to get the what? Ahhhh


If golden weapons are removed all together then i will lose it! i have nearly every gold weapon in the game…

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Alongside the competitive play changes, I also hear that PvE has undergone quite a large amount of changes ever since its announcement, and this does make sense given the team has shown almost nothing ever since the 2019 announcement, and kept a PvP focus only.

Why do people keep saying this? Did nobody watch the Blizzconline 2021 panel? They talked at length about PvE, how PvP maps would be expanded for use in Hero Mode, how the story has been developed, how each hero now has a detailed talent tree, how they created new systems to allow things to trigger during missions… that panel focused more on the PvE than it did on the PvP.

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if true then

  1. don’t agree with getting rid of gold weapons, i think they should expand weapon customization
  2. about time! icross progression was needed
  3. not too bothered about those items getting removed