New Competitive and PvE Changes for OW2!

Yeah but it wouldn’t be surprising either. Big companies these days seems to care more about playtime statistics than the actual enjoyement we get with said time. Battlepasses really burned my enjoyement of so many games.

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never knew that if i play a battle royale game again then i might play fortnite instead of Apex, or warzone

even paladins model is pretty slow on getting stuff and thats more similar to overwatch

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People had to work hard in comp to get those gold guns and they deserve it.
A different way of obtaining them just makes their efforts pointless. Let gold guns remain exclusive to them. (I don’t have any so far but i’m close to get one)
We can still have more customizations for guns though. Imagine platinium or diamond guns you can get in other ways, like by reaching a certain level in campaign or hero missions…

I don’t think you will lose anything, they will probably just become unobtainable.

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why? just make them available with normal gold

This, I for the life of me can’t fathom why some people think feeling required to play a game helps with the enjoyment. Let me play the game when I feel like playing it, and don’t penalize me for not playing.

Assuming this article has any validity.

This one is quite sad, i kinda of liked the idea of items.


I really don’t want gold weapons removed entirely for OW2. Instead, keep them as cosmic items. They should still be locked behind some form of pay wall, it just won’t be comp points.

I don’t care about reusable items for PVE being removed. That has no impact on me.

It does make sense for a sequel to be in development a year after OW1’s release. I expected OW2 to come, hopefully, this year or next year & know why it’s taking longer than expected. However, due to the lack of content, new content (like maps or heroes) or content for sustainability (like PVE), OW1 got left out to dry. Hopefully, this problem doesn’t happen again with OW2.

I’ll leave over this.

I have almost all of them. They are a symbol of the commitment I made of my time and effort. There’s not much that would get me to leave Overwatch, but you take away the gold guns I worked my butt off for over the past few years and yep, I’m ghost.

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You’ll still keep your current gold guns I think, you just won’t be able to obtain and future ones. Idk this whole thing is confusing as hell

Don’t believe random articles on the internet. They’re not even pretending to have a source.