New Brigitte is dead

How is having a stun, a knockback, unblockable damage by barriers/defense matrix/kinetic grasp with her flail & providing the only source of armor in the game not utility?

She has survival in the form of 250hp with 50 being armor & a 200hp shield. She should use her tanks & the map geometry to protect herself just like everyone else. She should only risk using her shield when she has to.

That is not at all the case. If you’re a healer & your other support is getting attacked they should be your first priority because if both healers are alive that means your team is more likely to live as well. If you let your other healer die your job just became a lot harder. Which is also why Brig is a great off healer against teams that don’t have a lot of ranged damage, she gives her other healer 75 armor.

This is actually reasonable. She has plenty of utility. However, rally is not a great ult if you’re trying to survive a grav dragon combo for example (but you also probably shouldn’t be picking Brig against long range damage dealers like Hanzo in the first place). It is however an amazing ult to win a fight when the enemy doesn’t have some sort of huge ult combo, (which dive doesn’t have many of, hence why she’s so good against it) and rally builds pretty fast now. Faster then transcendence & beat.

It shouldn’t. It’s a self heal. If she can just outheal a tanks damage without any help from her teammates, that’s a problem. She shouldn’t be able to outheal anyones damage just from her self heal.

Because she is a melee hero that only had 1 heal every 6 seconds if she couldn’t hit something with her flail. This made her not even that great against what she was supposed to be strong against, which is dive, because it didn’t matter that she had a 500hp barrier and it didn’t matter that she self healed 17hp/s because her squishy teammates didn’t. Her squishy teammates were very easily deleted by dive because Brig herself was tanky, but she didn’t do all that much to make her team tanky. Now that her self survivability has been nerfed & her ability to make her team more survivable is buffed she is a better support against Dive. If a support only really helps themselves, they aren’t a great support.

I could give you plenty of examples but you’d probably just shoot them down. You just need to position better to where you aren’t dying & are able to hit people with whipshot & your flail. Not much else I can tell you. I think I have a 100% winrate with Brig since her rework. An hour played in Comp in Masters+SR and 4 games won. I think I’ve had gold healing & 90-100% kill participation in every game.

Maybe this will help. I only pick her if my team complements her playstyle & goes well against the other team, and if it’s a good map. She seems to work best on KOTH & 2cp and not so much on payload maps because they often have long ranges she can be shot from. If my team has Rein/Zarya as tanks, some combination of Mei/Sym/Reaper/McCree/Torb as DPS, and Moira as a main heal, I’m going Brig 100% of the time. Brigs armor pack making Reaper/Mei have 325 health (with 75 being armor) and Moira (who is already hard to kill) having 275 health (with 75 being armor) makes that team very hard to kill.

If the enemy team is running bunker or lots of ranged damage like Orisa/Hog for tanks and Widow/Hanzo/McCree/Pharah/Junkrat/Bastion/Ashe for DPS I’m not going to pick her because that’s just a bad idea. You will not survive. Her weakness is ranged DPS.

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My favorite character is a throw-pick thanks to Brig

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She was never intended to be on the frontline. She was meant to be a support that could protect the back line from dive. She was just massively overtuned.


no she’s supposed to be very versatile, but she is supposed to be adequately punishable for doing silly things.

that is only one thing, she can do a whole lot more than that still, you not knowing what she does is probably a good indicator that you don’t play her on the regular and that’s ok.

Not talking about what she can do. I’m talking about what the devs intended her to do.

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and she does that well enough to be better than the rest of the healers in that area.
people can whine and complain about how she doesn’t do that as much as they want, but them not being able to utilize her is the biggest tell that they weren’t doing it before.

Ill start by saying Brig is my favorite character and has been since her release and I have stuck with her through all the nerfs.

My main issue is the new Brig is boring. I top heals with repair packs and have on average 90+ kill participation but that’s it. She cant dive well anymore or capitalize and punish when a player is out of position. Inspire has become her secondary heal and I proc it a fair amount but almost entirely off whipshot.

I don’t think she should be able to 1v1 all other heroes but in close range she is still out dpsd by most characters who have long range. She feels like a healing turret now, just smash E.

Her kit also feels a bit of a mess because if your activating inspire you’re not looking at your team so you cant use your armor packs and if your using your packs you probably aren’t close enough to the enemy to consistently inspire. Shes an OK healer by the numbers but HoTs fluff your numbers a bit more than you actually contribute. Shes a mid tier healer that can be easily out preformed by others in her class. Ill still play her but I don’t think shes in a good place right now.

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Wait you mean the support is now losing 1v1s to 500 HP tanks…? REALLY?

LOL… She is perfectly suvivable… she is just no longer a duelist who can stay alive when out numbered.

That role was a mistake that never should have happened… When you allow supports to duel assassins in any game you end up with a meta that is sustained based and no one enjoys… COUGH COUGH GOATS…not the first game I have watched this happen in… not even the first blizzard game… You ever tried to 1v1 a disc priest or resto druid in WOW post Pandaland?
Supports need to be protected by team mates they should not be able to instantly remove DPS without aiming or you will spiral in to a meta where supports become more powerful than DPS which… lets be real… Is not really fun for 90% of the playerbase… And I love playing Ana and Zen…Yes they can win duels… but they need to divert all their attention to do so and chances are… a equally skilled genji, tracer etc will win… and thats by design…

Supports in nearly every game spiral out of control the second there isn’t a role that keeps them in check… I can name games from basically every genre that have made this same mistake… but for some reason… games keep doing it…


Are they insane? I just tried Brig and she is literally unplayable. I could see her getting used as a 4th heal at best and 3rd is already a stretch - it’s exaggerated, but it’s not that far from the truth. If she’s that useless now, what the hell is it gonna look like when they lock roles? (I was playing QP, I can’t even imagine ever using her in comp)

There was no reason to do a whopping 60% nerf on a barrier that only protects herself anyways. It was supposed to be to enable her to walk towards somebody, bash them, and start swinging to trigger inspire. Now the barrier is so fragile it will easily break due to the relatively big hitbox and low capacity, so you are forced to save it for your nerfed shield bash instead of using it to close the gap (it will just shatter and you can’t bash).

Other supports just healing more and get their ultimates much faster. And their massive healing job do not depends from being on frontline like Brigitte’s. She have low mobility and her range is close. She is the most defenseless support from all of them now and enemy team ALWAYS know that.

I played her a lot. And i see this obvious problem.

She NEEDS MORE self-healing to DO her healer job well. She NEEDS MORE shield HP to survive in battles to heal everybody. It’s not about how many people will play as her. It’s about the real POSSIBLE to play as Brigitte and not to be useless.


I miss spoke, I was more referring to her Ult than her kit.

it comes down to the fact that if you make supports pushovers than people don’t really want to play the roll and you end up with a severely lacking population in that roll but if you don’t make them pushovers their Utility can make them over powered if not balanced Just right

It’s weird and rough either way. Her healing is 20 hit points per second (she regens a repair kit every 6 seconds, it heals 120 hit points). If you pop Inspire, which is hard to do vs all the barriers and that you have to sit in the backline now, it’s 40 hit points a second. Given she isn’t really doing damage either, she’s not on the frontlines anymore with the tanks, as she’ll die.

So she’s just sitting back, maybe doing a successful whipshot every 30 seconds. Doing very little to contribute to the team. Her ultimate is pretty mediocre as well.

I wasn’t a huge Brig player before the patch, I preferred Anna, Mercy, and Moira, but I’m trying her now and she’s really underwhelming.

No she isn’t. Her melee nature should tell you that. She just can’t do things at mid/long range like any of the other supports can. But I don’t have a problem with it & I think she’s very good at what she’s intended to be used for.

I’m sorry you feel that way, I actually find her more engaging now then I ever did before. I feel like I have to use more of my brain to play her.

Not by herself.

She can with her team, which is how Overwatch is meant to be played.

Use armor packs first. This is what you should be doing anyways so her team can have extra armor. You shouldn’t be attacking with stored armor packs

Not against dive or in brawl comps. She can be swapped out for Lucio, but it’s map dependent. She isn’t easily out performed by him.

You just need more practice with her new kit. She is very playable.

Sure there was. It is absurd that Tracer had to dump 3-5 clips depending on distance just to break her shield… if she still had a 500hp shield AND got 3 armor packs Tracer would be a throw pick against her. At least with a 200hp shield is Tracer wants to go for Brig it won’t take her 20 seconds just to kill her.

This is still how it functions. It should have never been as strong as it was. She can’t keep both a 500hp shield & 3 armor packs.

Not necessarily, but if you’re talking about Moira/Ana/Mercy then…yea. Brigittes biggest strength is her armor. Her healing is pretty great too though.

That’s not true. Rally actually charges quite fast… There have been more than a few occasions where I almost have it after a single fight (assuming it isn’t over in 5 seconds). Trans and Beat charge pretty slowly.

Not even close to true. She has a 200hp shield & 200hp with 50 armor. The rest of the supports have 200hp and no shield.

I don’t think she does, but AT MOST I would be okay with a 300hp shield. Nothing more. Like I said, Tracer shouldn’t have to dump multiple clips into her shield to break it.

??? If someone on Brigitte is only landing whipshot every 30 seconds they’re doing something wrong lol. I’m hitting successful whipshots at worst every 8-12 seconds. It has a 4 second cooldown.

Her ultimate is great assuming you aren’t trying to save your team from an ult combo like grav/dragon with it. (You shouldn’t really be playing her against Hanzo in the first place anyways)

Giving people 75 armor to survive things they otherwise wouldn’t is a significant contribution. As is booping enemies away every 4 seconds, and stunning people who get close to secure a kill on them. She contributes a lot if you play her in/against the right team comp. I see a lot of people complain about her survivability while they play against her weaknesses and I’m just sitting here like… well no duh. Lol

has a shield, has a stun, has a knockback, gives armor and healing, i’d say that’s pretty versatile even though yes she’s mostly melée based, but that’s the challenge, i like having to be crafty with my approach.

Along with the ability to simultaneously provide all of these attributes as well. Repair pack two allies for 60 hps for 2 seconds each. Go on to whip shot another person to proc inspire for all allies in range for 6 seconds, do CC, do damage, then follow-up with some other damage potentially on something else or block damage with shield.

yup, i honestly don’t get why more people don’t play her? is it too hard? too easy? not fun?
i mean i played mercy almost exclusively before brig and now it’s almost only brig in terms of supports that i’d pick and be happy with.

but meh, i guess people have their preferences and i got mine :slight_smile:

I think previously Brigitte was so good you could run her on all sorts of maps and team types. Now, I feel more selective about using her. I actually prefer to use her more as a tank counter rather than a DPS counter.

She really messes with Hammond, Winston, Roadhog, and Dva with how easy they can be to CC. Whip shot pushes them out of range of so many things.

DM’ing a target.
Mess up hook targets.
Push out of range of attack.
Push out of shield.
Push out of pile driver.
Push out of leap, booster, whole hog, grapple.
Shield bash is another free CC move at close range to deny healing, deny fleeing, and escape.

Even Reinhardt you can bully because you can whip shot -> shield bash -> whip shot cycle stuff. Sigma/Orisa are harder to bully because of shield they have. Winston in particular now you can mess-up with repair packs as you can repair pack a target and they will not die to his damage output for 2 seconds.

Many times tanks are more vital to a team than DPS.

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i don’t know i play her constantly no matter the comp and i just play her differently depending who i’m facing and who i got on my team.
got a team full of divers? assist them in their dives.
complete bunker?
i flank and boop someone out of their bunker and win bunker war.
deathball? just do what i usually do with brig and try to gain the numbers advantage in the brawl for my teammates.

and yes tanks are more vital sometimes if they aren’t bad tank players :stuck_out_tongue: and they got a master widow on their team, then it all becomes about armor management.

She assaults the elderly!

I was playing old Brig and I prefer the new one.