New Bastion Rework (feedback please)

for me, its a lot to try and follow

but I’ll invite chibi here

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Allowing bastion to move would destroy his character, he’d be bastion no longer. Completely out of the question for me. Having bastion having his crit spot on top of him would be awful, even if he could move it would still be a bullet magnet and he’d die very quickly. He’s a tank, you don’t need to make him more vunerable, especially when he’s only gotten 100 extra hp. Bastion needing to land 100% of his bullets as head shots in order to do less damage then he does now is pretty pathetic considering his spread. And a cool down on sentry mode is ridiculous and destroys the character. It is too restrictive and prevents you from using bastion creatively. It would be too easy to bait out and would probably make bastion even more of a joke in high tiers. Not to mention that sentry mode wouldn’t even be that good of an ability in the first place, in fact you may never even use it because the risk is too great for the small rewards that you get. It’s also asking for a level of prediction that is close to immpossible to achieve. A resource meter maybe but a cooldown definatly no. Why can’t you sentry mode in mid air? It makes bastion more vunerable to being killed in his transformations, somehting a tank shouldn’t have to worry about. If bastions a tank he should have a zoning ultimate, tank mode should provide higher knockback, higher than 25%, so he can effectively disrupt and disperse a team. It would also increase bastion’s ability to rocket jump which would make it easier for him to penertrate enemy lines to disrupt them. I’d give him a small speed increase in tank mode. Of course damage would have to be decreased but it shoudn’t be quite that low.

Sorry to be so negative but I really don’t think this is a good rework. Sorry.

I didn’t really want to just give him health and make him a beefier turret in the tank slot

Tbh I’m to lazy to reread my own idea, but I think I only gave him 100 flat hp because he’d have temporary health most of the time

I feel you though

I didn’t even think of this O:

Lol, I wouldn’t even call this criticism harsh

Feedback that this idea is terrible is appreciated, although I’m genuinely too lazy to read whatever I typed, so I’m just taking what you say at face value

i honestly dont really like this very much, removing self repair is kind of a bad idea,

plus having Ironclad + a health buff may make him even more problematic, like he´d have

i can plug in my own idea if you want,

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Would be appreciated!

its in this big thread right here:

i wanted to try to rework him without changing him very much, that was mainly my goal here, so he´d still feel like the same character

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You did really good lol

I think my rework, at least “tanking” wise was inspired by Torvald from Paladins, who admittingly is nothing like Bastion, so maybe I’m just forcing too much change

I guess I skimmed over the new ability, pretty stupid of me. It’s pretty hard to understand but I see it would definatly help. He still should have a critbox on top of him, imagine the storm arrows! Horrifying. Plus snipers are already good against bastion since you can just corner peak. I mean the won’t usually win a 1v1 but if the bastion actually has to shoot others then they can easily kill him of force him to retreat. Him being a tank should make him less vunerable to them, not more. Snipers aren’t meant to counter tanks.

Thanks for being mature.

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yeah i dont think a bubble shield on teammates would fit bastion,

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Your rework is fine but I don’t think it’s amazing.

Maybe I’m really stupid but thinking you could keep bastion’s dps as 450 or at least have it be 420 even if he became a tank, just give him a wind up period where his damage is super low. If bastion was a tank he’d be an off tank, like road hog. He’d make space for his team with his really high dps, taking that away seems kind of weird. Ironclad seems fine for a tank, it stops him from dying which is the reason he sucks without a shield. Infact it would be more effective if he had more health. The new defensive configuation is nice and it could definatly help him make space for his team but I think bastion’s dps is enough for that. Still the new configuration is a pretty cool idea although I’m not sure why it can only be held up for 2 seconds if it has hp, why not be indefinate or be indestructible but only able to be held up for 1.5 seconds? Pretty cool but I think you might be making it too complex. Small changes are the best, even in reworks.

i feel like this would be kind of clunky honestly, id just remove bastions skill aspect of switching rapidly into turret, shooting a bit, then leaving

thats what im going for, 300DPS is still a huge amount, but for the new defenses i was giving him i felt like he shouldnt be doing as much damage

well, the reason why i removed ironclad is cuz i gave him its damage resistance worth as HP, ironclad gave bastion an effective 360-380 HP on sentry, so i just gave him 400HP on all modes, so its like having a global ironclad

Well configuration defense is meant to be a personal defense only, you are meant to flash it rapidly to block an important cooldown like a hook or a helix or a pharah rocket or something of that sort

the reason why its on a Resource meter and has HP is because i want it to be relatively complex to use to make bastion have more skill ceeling, and because i want to enforce the tactic of rapidly flashing it for a second or two by limiting its HP and uptime, i dont want it to be used like a traditional barrier to push,

Literally all the problems with his kit as a DPS are fixed by just swapping his tank and sentry forms.
Put a little shield over him like in beta/ increase ironclad for the duration of his ult (now sentry form).
Tank form, reduced shots and damage so it’s balanced as an ability, but gives bastion mobility in his kit. Add a timer or fuel gauge to prevent endless faster movement. 8-10 second cooldown.

  • Gets rid of bastions PERMANENT static playstyle that just doesn’t fit in the game anymore.
  • increases the skill cap in his kit.
  • Will no longer stomp low rank players
  • His team no longer has to be built completely around him for him to be even slightly viable.
  • Opens up his kit for more buffs to recon form, which would be great, as it’s barely used (even though I love it).
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If you swap tank and sentry you’ve deleted bastion. Tank and sentry are opposites they should not be swaped. You might as well just give him new configurations. Or just delete him and use some of his assets to help make a new hero.

I guess it would be clunky but I kind of want to keep bastion’s dps, it is why I play the hero after all. Plus, it would stop him from being able to secure kills easily but it would make him just as effective as denying an area with sheer dps alone. I guess maybe we could give him 1.5x headshots which would be balanced because you would have to be really close to use them. But this would enable bunker and force bastion to play with the team inorder to do more damage. On the bright side it would defend him against flankers like reaper.

I guess but I think we could make it higher, maybe 360 especially if we remove sonar. Sonar is okay as a passive but it stopes bastion from having to predict where the enemy is going to be and it would just delete sombra from the game (and she really isn’t doing to well right now). It lowers his skill requirment quite a bit. I feel like we should just trade it in for either more ironclad or more damage in sentry mode.

Personal defense? I thought the shield would be bigger to and would be able to defend the team, I thought it would at least be big enough for bastion to block the enemies line of sight for their teammates. As personal defense though it makes more sense. In that case we should make it invincible but only exist for a really short amount of time, say 0.5 seconds. I was planning on making it even lower but considering that configuration defense must have a transformation time (probably 0.25 seconds but still) so a bigger reward would be needed. I think it should be on a cooldown not a resource meter as a resource meter requires it to last for a decent amount of time while with a cool down we can make it shorter. Bastion doesn’t any cooldowns so it would add another skill that he doesn’t have.

How exactly? Please explain? Most characters have unbelievable damage during their ults, it would make more sense for his sentry form to be part of his ult.
His biggest problems are his static playstyle and that his team has to be specifically built around him for him to be viable.
Why do you think it would delete him?

It would delete him because the hero would no longer be bastion. Tank and sentry are too different to be swapped, bastion’s playstyle would be reversed. Plus, we have plenty of high mobility projectile characters, yet we only have 1 low mobility high damage character. We definatly shouldn’t bastion less unique. Bastion having a static playstyle isn’t a problem, not eveyone has to enjoy every hero. Him forcing others into a static playstyle is bad though. Plus, I’d argue bastion doesn’t even have that static of playstyle, you still need to reposition alot with him. There are much better ways of reworking him that don’t involve bastion becoming a new hero.

What if they made Bastions recon have 0recoil on his pew pew arm. He´s war robot afterall and it could benefit him more compared to people plonking him to corner bunker.

Kek, i use bastion as shield eater. Jump from behind corner, transform in midair and blast that shield before you run away after job is done.

He wouldn’t be though, you’d still be doing the exact same things with the character?
It’s bad for the game for him to not be viable without both your tanks and healers built around, and pocketing you the entire game.
Making him more self sufficient is good for him.
And it’s not like it’s giving him doomfist levels of mobility.
He’s nigh unplayable at high rank, and absolutely stomps low rank players.
Reworks happen my dude, and my suggestion is about as close to his current kit as you’re going to get. He’s not losing anything from his kit that screams Bastion, it’s just swapped.

He might as well lose things, tank mode is the polar opposite of sentry, it is high mobility, high burst damage and low sustained damage. Sentry mode is no mobility, low burst damage and very high sustained damage. His playstyle would be completely different, he wouldn’t really be the same hero anymore. This is worse than torb’s rework, maybe even worse than syms. ANd it not neccessry. Just a simple rebalance (buffs and nerfs) could work for bastion, he doesn’t need to be changed to such a ridiculous extent.

Can I give this the necro’d post PNG?