Nerf Tracer the same way Soldier was nerfed

That Tracer would 1v6 your team with McCree too.

Do you want to nerf McCree as well?

Mccree doesn’t have the mobility to do so and if he does, he has a pure god aim

Please, nerf her yes. she hard to deal with even in the hands of a Tracer noob it can be difficult to kill her. Yet she can one clip people and there’s hardly nothing you can do about it.

Yes…she can one-clip people, if the player has the accuracy. Not everyone can do that though. Tracer is pretty simple. You either have the reflexes and know when to be aggressive/defensive or you don’t. You either have the accuracy with her guns or you don’t. She doesn’t have a lot of health and she relies on management of skills. You won’t kill anything with her if you cannot land the majority of her shots on your target.

She really doesn’t need to be nerfed. And to some people saying she kills Moira easily, that’s not always true. I’ve fended off Tracer’s with Moira so many times it’s humorous. Even with Mercy. A Tracer is good when you know it. If you cannot counter her, then you’ll lose. Junkrat, Winston, Hog and generally higher HP heroes will make it more difficult for her. You also have to turn around once in a while and make note of when her recall is down because then she’s REALLY easy to kill.

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Tracer is not simple. But if you get good at her, nothing can stop you

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That a problem. We should able have hard counters for both tracer and genji easily which there isn’t. Meanwhile other heroes like S76 gets damage nerf while those two remain untouched.

At the time S76 needed that, yet tracer just became meta at the same time and dafran got to top 10 with 2 different accounts (1 of them being #1) with ease playing mainly tracer and soldier

Which is why she should be hit.

Tracer needs a heavy nerfs