Nerf Tracer the same way Soldier was nerfed

by reducing her bullet damage by 1 or 0.5, so it reduces her overall damage by like 2.5% - 7.5%.
I’m ok with tracer being hard to kill and having no real counter, but at least make her less strong, and has to over commit more to do more damage.


I want her fall-off reduced. She has the mobility that closing the gap isn’t an issue, unlike poor reapy-boy, there’s no reason her drop-off needs to be over 19 meters instead of 5-10.

Reducing her fall-off means that her counters have more chance to counter her. She can’t just sit at a range where she can easily juke heroes like Junkrat or McCree all while maintaining 70-80% of her damage.


S76 was nerfed because he outclassed every dps hero in basically all situations.

Tracer only really outclasses S76 in high skill environments where people are running D.Va/Winston instead of Rein. Sorta what she was built to do. I don’t see the issue.


The issue is she gets to dunk on everybody.

She’s not playing to the game’s Rock Paper Scissors foundation. Tracer is that trash can who picks Gun


But how’s that true? Even in GM, S76/McCree/Widow/Junkrat etc work excellently in her place unless you’re running dive tanks. Plus for 86% of the community she’s not even in the top 10 most picked hero according to Jeff.

Not to mention her winrates are below average unless you’re literally in the top 1% of the community.


Pretty acurate if you ask me xD


None of that takes away from the fact she has no real counter at equal skill levels


I dunno about you, but from my experience I have the advantage over even t500 Tracers if I’m playing Moira or Sombra. Roadhog too handles her just fine.

Not to mention, she’s pretty easy to counter if you just pick a hero that can utilise the high ground like Junkrat or Hanzo.


yes in high ranks where RH lands 90% of the hooks ok. But not in the normal ranks. There she farms RH. And moira is maybe a soft counter that can outplayed by a good tracer.

So, she’s an issue in the ranks where her pickrates and winrates are super low?


emc you dont play in low elo… so you dont know if she is an issue there or not.

ive been diamond now for several seasons and tracer can go 1vs6 thanks to people who smurf in low elos.

tracer wouldnt be a problem if people would not abuse this hero to boost their friends. you can see the difference between a diamond tracer and a gm tracer.

either fix the smurf problem or nerf tracer.


Just because you are at a high level dont mean that you understand heroes better than others or have more gamesense.


Smurfs aren’t a balance problem, they’re a matchmaking problem.


This can work, it will insdirectly buff all of the niche heroes too

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Tracer doesn’t even deal a lot of damage. Soldier did. He had like 15k damage in an average game prior to the nerf. And he had a ridiculously low TTK on a 200 HP hero. 2 headshots + helix = dead hero.

But the true reason why he was strong was meta. There was nobody that could easily contest him. It was a static tank meta, mostly. And old D.Va couldn’t take him down alone.

If somehow the meta were to go back to 3-tank, I’m pretty sure that people would start to complain again about him.

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This is wrong, he still maintained a rather even pickrate in the pro meta with Genji and McCree at the time despite his buffs when Tracer was starting to be on the rise. the split between those three offensive heroes were 23% ish across them with McCree trailing by two or so.

Aside from that his pickrate was always pretty high across the board even before the buff. He’s always been easy to pick up.

EDIT: actually looking back at the meta reports Tracer was starting as early back as the soldier meta, in which Genji wasn’t far behind her, and Soldier was barely ahead of her, exceeding in koth maps by a wide margin.


This is false, Tracer has the second highest dps in the game at about 450 maximum dps (full magazine in a second), with a whopping 20 meter effective range. At soldier’s best prior to the nerf he fired 320 dps (8 bullets per second) with a maximum burst of 440 in a second if all his shots are crits and the helix rocket hits directly. That means even pre-nerf Tracer would be dealing more dps on average than him.


What are you talking about?

Tracer has maximum 240 DPS. She also has 55% downtime due to reloading. 20 meter effective range? Dude. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Her fall-off kicks already at 11. And spread reduces it even further in practice. Tracer’s actual sustain DPS is 107 DPS.

Soldier has 171 DPS right now. His sustain DPS is 111 DPS. Pre nerf soldier had a sustain DPS of 117. Soldier has a 35% downtime due to reload.

Also, I was talking about overall average per game.

Which you can very clearly see here:

14072 damage right now. Pre-nerf, it was above 15k on average.

Tracer has 10650 damage right now.

So, yeah, I have no idea what you’re talking about and what you wrote is pretty much flat out wrong.


Has Tracer received any changes at all?

I don’t think it would hurt her to have at least one reliable counter in the game. She is a glass cannon with low health but her hit box is tiny and her mobility is excellent. There is nothing in this game that counters high mobility. I feel like something needs to be done about that but I don’t know what. If they make a hero with abilities that slow people down it will do more damage to the already slow heroes in the game.


I was bringing critical damage into account with both values so it’s not actually wrong at all. Even then Soldier only gets better burst damage and has a longer downtime between reloads so it still averages out at about the same. I’d also imagine damage output would be lower if she’s simply sneaking into backlines and securing her kills, versus soldier who’s not actually able to get to key squishy targets as easily even with range, and would normally be working on fighting tanks first.

Additionally maximum damage on paper isn’t everything. On paper Reaper does barely less than Soldier’s on paper stats and MORE than Tracer’s. Yet this somehow doesn’t make him top tier, nor did he compete for any top tier role.

And as I showed previously, he literally wasn’t much higher than Tracer’s and Ganji’s pickrate prior to his nerfs, in fact it was only a few notches higher than them yet he did more damage statistically.
here’s the link again

However the point was, disproving that she didn’t do a lot of damage, and as both links show she did do a lot of daamge, and she was used extensively in the pro scene. Pros wouldn’t use an under performing hero now would they?
you can see the values here as well as the values being proven via video on the page, to get Soldier’s actual damage pre-nerf you just have to add one damage per shot.