Nerf Tracer the same way Soldier was nerfed

She has 55% down time but empties her clip in like a second and recall reloads her too


Hey, that’s a good idea, and that’s coming from a Tracer main😁


So? She’s not gonna use recall to reload her clip. She’s gonna use recall to get away or heal herself.

Ok. Doesn’t change the fact it’s supplementing her dps and sustain

I was bringing critical damage into account with both values so it’s not actually wrong at all. Even then Soldier only gets better burst damage and has a longer downtime between reloads so it still averages out at about the same. I’d also imagine damage output would be lower if she’s simply sneaking into backlines and securing her kills, versus soldier who’s not actually able to get to key squishy targets as easily even with range, and would normally be working on fighting tanks first.

Soldier also has a helix. That wasn’t calculated at all in my calculations. And your calculation is still wrong since Tracer has 480 if you work in the crits. Not 450 as you said.

Additionally maximum damage on paper isn’t everything. On paper Reaper does barely less than Soldier’s on paper stats and MORE than Tracer’s. Yet this somehow doesn’t make him top tier, nor did he compete for any top tier role.

You are the one started to bring in the maximum damage. I simply mentioned overall actual damage per game. Reaper is not trash because of his damage, he is trash because he has a large hitbox, has no mean to get close on his own and he’s not actually trash, he’s only a very situational pick.

And as I showed previously, he literally wasn’t much higher than Tracer’s and Ganji’s pickrate prior to his nerfs, in fact it was only a few notches higher than them yet he did more damage statistically.

He was picked more than Tracer or Genji. In ladder and in pro games.

However the point was, disproving that she didn’t do a lot of damage, and as both links show she did do a lot of daamge, and she was used extensively in the pro scene. Pros wouldn’t use an under performing hero now would they?

Neither of those links shows anything about damage. And compard to other DPS, yes, she does substantially less damage overall.

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you can see the values here as well as the values being proven via video on the page, to get Soldier’s actual damage pre-nerf you just have to add one damage per shot.

I know what their numbers are. I literally posted them in my calculation.

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Eh, no. You don’t pick her because of sustain. You pick Soldier because of sustain.

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Are you trying to tell me Tracer doesn’t have good self sustain

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In terms of being self-sufficient, she has. But in terms of damage, no.


The character that teleports behind you and deletes supports in half a second has poor damage



This is exactly what i suggested for her nerf, something that will make her balanced yet still viable. Make her a true high risk high reward hero, Tracer is just too safe right now for the impact she does. Forcing her to get in close range all the time to deal her damage will form the amount of counterplay that is lacking against her.


Sure. Play her and get an easy top 500. Just click on all of their heads.



Just to set the record straight, Tracers falloff begins at 11m and goes to 30m. Blink distance is 7.5m for reference. Her spread is also 3.6, for comparisons sake Sombra is 2.7, Soldier is 2.4, Reaper is 4.15.

Not arguing for or against I just like it when people use accurate numbers.


I thought its 7m, good to know…

I just started playing tracer, and this is not a bad idea. Some tracers like to stand pretty far from their target, if you reduce her range it would make tracers better overall I think

Quick question, where’d you find these numbers?

She need more damage fallout


A range like Dva and a true counter would make her balanced.

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I dont know why people keep saying tracer has no counters, look at moira, hog, mccree, soldier, a good hanzo, a good zen a good ana…


Her counter is good aim… really good aim… that’s the same counter for everybody on the roster, good aim. I don’t consider good aim to be a true counter. She’s probably the only character who doesn’t have to avoid anybody on the enemy team and can challenge just about everybody with her high mobility.


The numbers are from overwatch[dot]gamepedia[dot]com