Nerf Soldier's healing by 90%

Well what if they reduced Lucios boop to 2.5DMG, would that be cool with you in one fell swoop?

And at the same time they said, Lucio can no longer wall ride near shields, they stop him dead in his tracks unless his feet are on the ground and he walks through.

Still cool?

This is where I believe a support should not have a clear advantage against a DPS. Tracer flanks around the team or jumps in on the healer and should be rewarded for that. Having the support she is supposed to be killing able to solo her is not good in my eyes. Having any support who can win a 1v1 against a DPS more than losing is not good.

I personally think Brig has some good ways to do that. You can whip shot people away, you can still stun them, you can burst heal them or apply armor with your pack, and you can also stack armor with Rally. She has some pretty decent ways to help someone live in my opinion.

True, but any teammate can also walk infront of an Ana grenade or shot among other things.

In place of Amp it up she can apply a burst heal of a different kind which can also apply armor so it’s never a wasted overheal.

Her even being half a tank is the reason why her healing aura can’t be much better because then you make her self sustain too much and you have a support who won’t die.

Honest opinion. If Boop did 2.5 damage that wouldn’t matter because its value is in knocking people off the map or out of position.

That second one just doesn’t make sense. That would mean ANYONE who is jumping or in the air can’t pass through a barrier.

You simply won’t convince me Brigitte didn’t do too much and needed something done. However you can try.


I have a better idea. Nerf reins hammer damage but every time rein puts his shield up he heals himself

And then Ana can just… shoot to heal. I just want Brig to be more reliable. If her heal had half the cooldown and potency, one teammate jumping in front of her doesn’t make her useless. She can move and try again to keep the tank alive.

Like I said in a previous post, if they increase the aura instead of changing repair pack, it should be for the team heals, but cap her self heal.

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Of course however if that grenade misses the vital target you were aiming for it could lead to a death and a loss of a team fight depending on who died because of it.

They did it with Lucio so if things do go in that direction it could work just fine.


Nope just to lucio, consistency is no longer a thing.

That is what brig is getting and I am glad u can see how dumb it is when applied to a hero u like.

And I get tons of kills with the boop damage, its part of his combo and how u finish off low health targets u chasing, plus it does area damage to everyone behind reins shield.

The environmental kills are nice, but boop is much more then just that.

Low health healer on your team? Boop and pressure her attacker, that 25 DMG helps cause his dmg so low, gives him much needed burst with melee then a full clip.

For me, it seems everyone just hates the shield. I say gut its HP to 200, but give her a second charge, (like junks second mine “for mobility” lmfao!!)

Now anyone can bust the shield if she shield bots, but would be useful still for escapes and quick pushes.

Each charge would get its own boop. Basically two mini shields.

I don’t mind that brig was nerfed. I think blizz needed to start retooling her to fit more into the support role.

That said, the way they are going about these changes is not one that I agree with. J think making smaller changes and then evaluating how they affect a character to be a better way of balance than sweeping changes all at once. It makes it easier to determine if a particular change was helpful or not, and if so then by how much. Additionally, it’s easier on your player base to adjust to.

The changes to Brig in specific are pretty big. The first shield bash against barrier interactions seems to be targeted at GOATS comp, which I think that’s okay. The additional damage nerf and inspire buff is a bit much in one patch.

The shield damage nerf has obvious implications. As for inspire, a lot of people are missing something in the numbers here. The .667 increase or whatever it is will only make a difference during the final tick due to her design. You are getting an extra 20 health over 6 seconds compared to current values at 5 seconds. But during team fights, Brig is resetting her inspire anyway. Less than 1HP a second is not going to make an effective difference during a team fight.

This serves to help her with poke damage. So in the cases where she can land a whip shot on someone, the team is healed durng the full 6 seconds and she hasn’t had a chance to melee someone in that time, giving the team an extra 20 healing. This really doesn’t help Brigitte excel in the areas that she should be good at.

Essentially, her strength in goats is being removed (a good change IMO), her strength against flankers and brawling in general is great reduced (disagree with this_*_), the changes to inspire to make it reactivate faster and increase the healing will almost certainly only make a difference poke situations where she’s bad anyway (a bad buff that doesn’t effectively help cement her role as a support or actually do much of anything).

I think these changes are going to lead to brig being in a poor spot overall. She was too strong, but the changes seem a bit overkill with a poorly thought out buff as compensation.

  • I disagree with this in her current state. I she is retooled to actually be more of a support I would be fine with the damage being lowered. Wanted to clarify.

Agreed. As far as the damage, it was useful because the stun is only one second. It’s just not enough time for the team to realize a Tracer is stunned and kill her before she recalls. Without the damage it’s far less useful. So if they want to shift her power to support, they should actually give the support aspect of her kit some power, instead of taking away her damage and just giving her nothing.

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You know what it actually wouldn’t be too bad because you can just wall ride over the barrier anyways. I will just adapt to the change unlike some people.

Never stated dumb just stated it didn’t make sense.

I do too get a lot of kills with Boop however if you are using Boop to finish off one person you might as well speed boost into them and melee because wasting a Boop on one person seems stupid. Also Boop does not go through barriers.

But on certain maps it becomes that.

His damage is only low if you miss.

I do hate the shield, a 500 HP safety crutch with a stun attached is dumb. Second charge is also bad because it’s a stun.

That would be fine.

One mini shield.


If he gets 2 sorts of CC, 50 armor, 500 HP shield and actually useful ultimate than why not.

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And yet…she’s doing DPS along with her Tank/Support roles. Doesn’t matter if she was meant to or not, that’s how she’s being played. If anything, that’s exactly why they’re nerfing her dps–Because she’s not supposed to.

Kinda like how Moira does more healing than damage–It’s to encourage to be a healer than another DPS. Bottom line is that she can be played as a DPS flanker, and that’s on Blizzard being short-sighted with her design. They’re simply redirecting her role to be more in line with what they wanted her to be.


SoLdIeR iS nOt A sUpPoRt :upside_down_face:

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All tanks and supports do DPS. Most of them considerably more than Brigitte. I really fail to see your point.

They are not really nerfing her DPS so much as they are nerfing the Tracer kill confirm combo. Her damage over-time is roughly the same.

Are you saying that Brigitte’s damage was on par with her tanking and supportive abilities? Lul… Just why, how? Cosmic entities, I beg of you, answer my plight, why did you place me here, on this earth?! :sob:


Now that’s not true, the only thing is that now she actually has to take risks to stun someone who’s protected by a barrier (specially Reinhardt) as for Winston, the one so many people are worried about saying that this change “will bring Dive back”, all that was done is the addition of counterplay to her stun while his barrier is active (that happens to not have all that much HP and is really big), wich is 100% fine.

As for the damage, they removed the burst enabling part of Shield Bash, her stun will still be very strong to start fights. Also, her healing isn’t based on how much damage she deals, just on her dealing damage, so the 5 damage will proc her healing regardless.

Currently it goes through barriers and look what a boring comp it created, with a fight winning combo that relies 100% on her stun.

Again, it lost the burst enabling part of it (on a 1vs1 situation), her healing will proc from it so long as it hits, but now there’s more counterplay and risk tied to it, wich isn’t a bad thing. Now Brig will actually have to commit to her stun, instead of being behind Rein’s shield while waiting to fly in and stun the other Rein.

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Is Soldier a meta defining, oppressive force that renders all close range heroes obsolete, and is he actively being played in the support slot?


Not being able to heal allies makes a lot of difference here.
Also, to be comparable you’d need to actually nerf firestrike’s damage to 10 and give his shield regen a buff per second or something.

Brig’s primary wasn’t changed.

Still stupid, but more accurate.

But none of the fill all 3 roles of Tank, DPS, and support as well as Brigette did. That’s why they’re nerfing her because she was used to fill any role that was missing from a composition and it was fine.

They are nerfing her dps if they’re nerfing her shield bash to 5.

And you’re seriously going to have this childish attitude when I only respectively disagreed with you? Grow up.

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Oh, so it is about who fills the role the best and not whether they objectively do? Brilliant.

No, they are nerfing her because of a knee jerk reaction and it is to make her less oppressive, not lower her damage. Of course that is how they are achieving it, but it is not because it was “too much” damage, fam. It is because it was too much damage for Tracer.

Childish attitude? I think it is very mature to have an existential crisis when confronted with such unadulterated… Never-mind, I spontaneously grew up. I apologize for my brash attitude sir, fortunately I have outgrown my youthful ignorance at your request, so really, I should be thanking you. Good day!

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M8, it’s been 8 months since Brig’s release. This is hardly a knee jerk.

A knee jerk was gutting DF two weeks after his release. A knee jerk is nerfing Sombra right after her buffs.


She has the damage to kill the lowest HP hero in the game. you are looking at it like a butthurt fanboy. Just because you can’t secure a guaranteed kill 100% of the time, without the tracer being able to fight back, doesn’t mean you just cannot kill her now. It’ll take a little more time, and give the tracer a chance to escape. If you really felt like your one-touch combo was a fair way to “Kill the lowest hp hero in the game on her own” then you obviously don’t understand balance. NOW, you cant do it in under 3 seconds. youre a healer, cry more.