Nerf Moira dmg orb already

Or you could, you know, ask the other 5 people on your team to help you? And realise that if moira is chasing you down then she’s wildly out of position and this can be punished if your rein holds wm1 or Dva deletes her or roadhog hooks her?
Moiras 2 weaknesses are burst damage (which requires aim) and TANKS (significantly less aim).

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The orb does 200 damage total and does 50 DPS.
Git gud.

You can easily get away from her orb. I suggest you play as a character before you call something they do broken. They may just be a counter to YOUR character.

is it so difficult to think about where the orb is going to be going so that you can avoid it? :man_shrugging: besides the only time you would ever struggle to get away from it is in an enclosed space. the best thing to do when there’s no walls nearby and its coming towards you is to angle yourself so you’re moving towards it so that it goes by faster, but obviously in a way thats not putting you in enemy fire.

This is why we need the dislike button back…


I myself don’t really have a problem with it but that might be because I most of the time play dva. I can imagine the orb is a nightmare to deal with when the team does not have a dva. I don’t think the orb needs a nerf but instead more counters. Right now dva is the only real counter

Or you could just, not give it the traction that it doesn’t deserve. Ignoring is always an option. I’m only commenting my opinion because I’m sick of people complaining about how heroes work because they aren’t capable of not diving headfirst at things.

I was not talking about you. I was referring to OP.

I know.


If I can move out of the way as Zenyatta, im sure you can move out of the way on whatever character you were playing, regardless of mobility cooldowns.

I swear, remove all topics that are calling for nerfs to things that are solved by using your brain, and this forum would be practically empty.

I feel like strategy is a foreign word for some people
So for the 100th time (until inevitably another one pops up)
No, she is not op, you should learn to move away or cooperate with your team, take some armor and her dmg is even more a joke

it’s your fault dude. You let her catch you with low hp AND cooldowns in place. Maybe while your healer (if there was any) was not ready to back you up.

Beside that, you have to walk some steps in the opposite direction of the orb to minimize its effect.

but i get this is a rage post after a defeat.

You are so right! “just dont get in the way LOOOOOOOL 4Head”

This needs more likes. Dva gobbles the orbs up like Pac-Man…either play Dva or ask one of your tanks to switch to her if the enemy team has a Moira.

Sir have you tried the get out of the way maneuver?
All you need to do is step slightly to the left or right of your impending doom and you’re saved.

How often do I need to read “Moira is fine”?
You just don’t realize that she can do what no other support can do. And keep that fing thing in mind already: She is a support!
While having the most heal output of them all she can easily solo most dps ingame. So you have top healing output and the potential to solo kill most dps and the flankers who are supposed to kill support.
Just give her more heal back for less dmg done while simultaneously nerfing her orb (just a little) and the reach of her dmg beam. That would make her “fine” imho.

Why are you trying to solo in a team based game? Are you silly or just plain coco puffs

Or you could work on your situational awareness more and stop blaming the Moira you are trying to kill.

oh come on, flankers are meant to go on a solo sneak and take out the support on their own. But it’s just plain dumb, that a moira can take out a reaper, trying to take on her, without even struggling. And your point works the other way round. How come a moira can go on a solo mission and take out a dps without her team?

Reaper actually counters Moira pretty well with his burst damage. If the Reaper player is even half way competent then Moira won’t be taking him out “without even struggling”

The main problem with Moira is that people who don’t play her get a lot of things about this hero wrong. Same as when OP claimed they lost 100hp to her orb in less than a second.