Nerf Moira dmg orb already

Maybe open your eyes and see the big obvious orb coming, person with a grappling hook.

And die by your own volition and complain on the forums.


Naw, I swear those orbs are low key homing. And sometimes you CAN’T see them coming, since it’s nigh impossible to predict it’s movements after the first bounce or two, and I still don’t understand what makes it speed up.

It speeds up after not dealing damage for a second or so. And it will slow back down once it locks on.

oh i better hope it locks on to someone then. That way I’ll have a chance to dodge it. Seems kind of backwards

Play and eat them, that’s always fun!

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Nothing says threatening like a loud, slow moving orb dealing a max of 200 hp over 4 seconds that can be countered by the elusive “move away” strat


This week on forum criers

But seriously, Moira has the least amount of damage output out of any of the supports. And 100hp? So you’re a Tracer (?) with such bad game sense that you can’t just run away?

also I play Moira, nothing “speeds up” unless you’re a squishy character so it just looks like your health goes out faster

Moiras orb damage is fine, what isn’t fine is how bs the range is, if it’s sent directly at you, you will lose over 60 hp assuming she is like within 40 meters of you before you can move away from it, which lets anyone sneeze on you and you die and her self healing which puts her at the top 3 self sustain heroes along with hog and tracer

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Moira’s orb is fine. Especially when thrown from long distances. You have too much time to hear and see it coming to not move out of the way.


I have a sneaking suspicion that you died from a Moira orb and just got really angry and in a fit of passion, just made this.


It’s fine. Moira does not need to be altered in any way.

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To counter the orb, you move in the direction the orb came from.

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so this is what its like to be in bronze


…it DOES slow that much when it starts affecting anything. You literally can walk from it with anyone. This is a simple matter of fact. Stop trying to argue that the damage orb is the issue when it is only good to finish off low health targets or punish bad choices like being in a small room with Moira alone which is the ONLY case where it can take someone down alone if they are 200HP or less.

…ok. Congrats? you stood still long enough for a straight moving object to reach you from 40meters.

Can someone tell me how all this exaggeration is supposed to help people’s arguments? I don’t get it.


if moira orb passing through it does just 29 damage if you move in opposite direction of it.

Are you really comparing the necessary precision required to shoot at a very small hitbox capable of moving quickly in an unpredictable fashion

To the “skills” necessary to see an orb coming. In a straight line. From a long distance.

And then holding A or D, so as to avoid it?

I mean- seriously. Those tendrils have a max range of 5 meters. Heroes move at 5.5 MPs, with some moving 6. Meaning you not need a single second to be out of its range.

And THATS what you’re comparing to getting a headshot?


Okay then.

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That’s some impressive magic !

i really hope you’re kidding. it’s by far not the only case where it can take someone down alone if they are 200hp or less. Moira is doing 100 dps when she throws her damage orb and holds right click. You dont have to be in a tiny room with moira to die by her in 2 seconds if you’re a standard 200hp hero. you just have to be in her range.

this is where you say “yea but she can only do 100dps, you can headshot her for 120dps+, so you can kill her, so she’s not broken”, and that’s where i say “yea, but i have to aim that headshot, and you dont, so you’re probably going to beat me to it”, and then you say “yea, so why dont you just play moira then if you cant aim” and i say “because i cant stoop to that level”, and then we both shut up and another thread about the exact same thing gets started a day later because everyone is thinking the same thing. She’s broken.

Moira is all about the orbs. Her normal attack is pretty good to secure kills on damaged targets but it takes forever to kill someone with healing or a tank. She is a good place. Don’t touch her.