Nerf Mercy Please!

No more nerfs. We need to buff other supports.


this homie gets it, good stuff homie



Hit her for the 9th time, Blizzard, you’ll get her this time!

There was one thread today that asked for a buff, you’d be hard pressed to find any other ones. You argument boils down to, “meRCy is 2 EZ anD i Cant kilL her pLs neRf bliZzArD.”.


Might I remind you of all the: “Mercy is finally balanced, stop whining Mercy mains” comments from everyone in January?
In S9 all healers were somewhat picked. Only since S10 Mercy is most played healer again, I wonder if it has anything to do with Hanzo being very OP at the moment, foricing a sniper meta where rez is quite mandatory to negate sniper picks and her damageboost is needed to the hanzo dragons go through trans…


but the elder one jeff himself said she is ok right now
be careful or the elder one will nerf your main next

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Just gonna leave this for a brotha:

She fine, they ain’t gonna nerf her, sorry boiis :c


I don’t have any issues with most of her base kit. Her healing is appropriate being that she’s a dedicated healer who can’t do anything else while she’s using her healing beam.

I do want rez replaced with something else, though. That’s the only thing that makes her the best support by far.

Some people here don’t really grasp the concept of power creep.

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PopapaJeff does, dats why the homie said what he said. :man_shrugging:

So how’s Mercy’s winrate/pick rate in other modes besides comps? Deathmatch, unlimited, events, ctf, mayhem? So OP right? Nah, you cherry picking. In reality Mercy is top heavy in support to balance, because she has nothing else. You just omit she has her share of flaws and huge lost. People like to exaggerate Mercy success to place excessive nerfs on her.

Sure. Nerf Mercy. Zenyatta MUST BE NERFED TOO though considering his pickrate is just as high. Make sure we nerf Hanzo also.

Well a buff wouldn’t kill anyone but I have rad a lots of opinions and I agree with them, Mercy should only rezz in Valkyrie but automatically. They gave me some tips that made a difference in my gameplay. Overall Mercy is OP but Blizzard didn’t have to nerf her to a point that you don’t rezz anyone, because you died while using this abilitie, and need to wait 30 seconds…

Mercy mobility is codependent or highly flawed. Mercy’s beam telegrams and tells the enemy where she is going and tells where her team is for enemies to easily line up their shots.

Where’s Moira’s fade is super dependable. No teammates require. Her fade is god mode and literally untouchable.

Lucio is the King of Mobility with no draw backs. He cover a map in an instant with tons of exploits to help win the game.

That’s your unfounded opinion. Resurrections are very popular in MMO, fantasy games as well as other competitive FPS for years. DPS ULTS have auto aim, wall hacks, big explosions that can wipe out a whole team. But a resurrection to actually balance the game is OP? You trolling.

Oh my god what did i just read. I need eye drops
For god’s sake what the hell is this

I have never read something so stupid.

Flagged for trolling

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Is it fair to spend 30 seconds trying to kill a Roadhog only for him to get resurrected? It’s not. Resurrect is the dumbest idea ever for a FPS. It’s broken. Everyone that defends it is some salty Mercy main who gained a couple ranks for playing an auto lock hero, and doesn’t want said hero to be nerfed.

If it’s so stupid, then refute it with facts or without cherry picking fallacy then :slight_smile:

Shaming tactics aren’t constructive.

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This isn’t trolling. I’m flagging you for spam and false reporting because what you said isn’t relevant to the topic.

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Rez on a cooldown will honestly never be balanced. Personally, I would bring back Mass Rez but make it EARNED. As an ultimate, but not JUST a Q press. At this point, she’s clunky with rez, Valkyrie is a godlessly boring ultimate (Although it has decent value), and after 4 (5??) hits with the nerf bat, she’s STILL really good.

I would just give her another rework. 6 months of Mercywatch and she is still outshining other main healers. Rework Mercy to put Rez in her ultimate in a more respectable form (not JUST a q press) and maybe tone down her heals a bit (Putting her back at 50 hps would be fair considering she has the most consistent healing in the game. It doesn’t also need to be the best), buff Ana, and revert that bug fix to Moira.

Why stop at those homies? Let’s nerf ALL THE HOMIES, juz cuz lmao