Nerf Mercy Please!

I don’t care what people say. Mercy is still very OP in every way.

Since the “nerf” her pickrate is still almost 50% and she has a 50%+ winrate in almost every rank.

She can resurrect, which doesn’t belong in the game period. I don’t care about the lore, to me it’s as pointless as wanting to know if heroes are gay. And this game is literally 2 teams of heroes and villians fighting against copies of themselves for a stupid objective…

She is incredibly mobile, and can go anywhere on the map as long as her team mates are there.

She has self regeneration, and is very hard to kill because of her mobility + self regen.

She has an autolock 60hp/s which is stupid. You don’t even need a crosshair to play Mercy.

So why does she need buffs?? I’m sick of those threads. If anything she needs a nerf.


She needs a nerf asap. She is stupidly overpowered. Those thread are all Mercy players whining as far as i know. She outclasses Moira and Ana and is quite possibly the strongest hero in the game after Hanzo.


O look, another need Mercy thread…I was getting worried since it had been a whole 20 minutes without one…


We keep complaining because your abusing an OP hero.

There is a reason we have so many of those and we keep complaining. They think Mercy is balanced when she is a overpowered hero that needs nerfing for the health of the game.

What about no…


She overshadows all other healers in the game.
If you buff Ana and Moira to the same level as Mercy, they would probably be incredibly overpowered.
Its a tricky situation to balance properly.

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Oh dem kidz still cryin bout the homie Mercy doe she already balanced? Aight my bad, continue my boiis. #buffana

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No more nerfs. We need to buff other supports.


this homie gets it, good stuff homie



Hit her for the 9th time, Blizzard, you’ll get her this time!

There was one thread today that asked for a buff, you’d be hard pressed to find any other ones. You argument boils down to, “meRCy is 2 EZ anD i Cant kilL her pLs neRf bliZzArD.”.


Might I remind you of all the: “Mercy is finally balanced, stop whining Mercy mains” comments from everyone in January?
In S9 all healers were somewhat picked. Only since S10 Mercy is most played healer again, I wonder if it has anything to do with Hanzo being very OP at the moment, foricing a sniper meta where rez is quite mandatory to negate sniper picks and her damageboost is needed to the hanzo dragons go through trans…


but the elder one jeff himself said she is ok right now
be careful or the elder one will nerf your main next

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Just gonna leave this for a brotha:

She fine, they ain’t gonna nerf her, sorry boiis :c


I don’t have any issues with most of her base kit. Her healing is appropriate being that she’s a dedicated healer who can’t do anything else while she’s using her healing beam.

I do want rez replaced with something else, though. That’s the only thing that makes her the best support by far.

Some people here don’t really grasp the concept of power creep.

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PopapaJeff does, dats why the homie said what he said. :man_shrugging:

So how’s Mercy’s winrate/pick rate in other modes besides comps? Deathmatch, unlimited, events, ctf, mayhem? So OP right? Nah, you cherry picking. In reality Mercy is top heavy in support to balance, because she has nothing else. You just omit she has her share of flaws and huge lost. People like to exaggerate Mercy success to place excessive nerfs on her.

Sure. Nerf Mercy. Zenyatta MUST BE NERFED TOO though considering his pickrate is just as high. Make sure we nerf Hanzo also.

Well a buff wouldn’t kill anyone but I have rad a lots of opinions and I agree with them, Mercy should only rezz in Valkyrie but automatically. They gave me some tips that made a difference in my gameplay. Overall Mercy is OP but Blizzard didn’t have to nerf her to a point that you don’t rezz anyone, because you died while using this abilitie, and need to wait 30 seconds…