Nerf Discord Orb

Silly OWL players running ball sombra tracer brig zen dive why are they playing these terrible comps :confused:


Sombra is not meta, but she’s still decent. Tracer has always been meta. Zen does need to get focused, thats how it’s supposed to be. He has good utility but is extremely vulnerable and needs focusing. Well done you learned how to deal with Zen.

Blizz, i am not invincible

I love Zen but he is ridiculous. No cooldown on a damage amplifier is toxic.


yes sombra is meta in t500 but ok and btw your “he needs to get focused” explantion is the same thing hog mains used so verry creative. The definiton if you have to get rid of it just because its there is the definition of overpowered

She is no more meta than Echo, Pharah or Sojourn. Tracer still dominates top 500.

And Zen does not have 600hp and the ability to reduce damage by 50% while restoring half his health pool. Entirely different heroes, one is actually easy af to kill with 0 defences and the other had a one shot while being invincible.

If you take a look at high level play, Sombra is meta. Tracer has not always been meta (goats/double shield/double sniper) Zen doesn’t need to be the focus because he breaks tanks.

It’s not a problem in professional games where both teams have the same team, but In normal ranked games you’ll probably going to lose if the enemy team has a Zen with disc on your tank and you don’t have one.

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This is OW2. And even then, for the large majority of the game’s life she has been one of the best picks in top 500.

That’s why he still has a low pickrate compared to other supports and is one of the only supports who can be hard countered and forced to switch.

Even in OW2 she hasn’t always been meta, I’m not sure where you get your info from, but I’m guessing you’re just watching a few streamers?

Pickrate doesn’t mean anything if you look at all the ranks. Reinhardt looks like the best tank in the game by far because of all the pickrates in the metal ranks.

Zen is strong, Zen has always been strong. And no, I’m not taking bronze play into account where Zen players just fall over.

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How about 15 percent for everyone else beside Zen, he still retains 25 percent.

And he gets health Regen for attached orb.

I suggest you look at top 500 leaderboard.

Zen was not strong season 1 when flankers were busted and tanks were unkillable. Season 1 was flankerwatch.

Right now? Yes, now she’s meta. That’s what we’ve been saying.

Zen was strong, like you are saying, busted characters and unkillable tanks were needed to take him down.

Ya’ll are going to get OW turned into modern WoW with every role being homogenized. The game will be sickly sterile and boring.


Season 1 to 4.

Yeah and because they got so used to being busted and invincible they now think any ability that kills them is broken.

Not true, maybe you need to take a look?

No, a broken ability is broken. Just because characters were buffed to survive Zen, doesn’t mean Zen wasn’t strong. But at least you agree that characters had to be buffed to an insane level to survive a disc orb.

It literally is true. She at least appears 5 times in the top 10 every season. She appears the most in Season 1 and 4, but that doesn’t mean she still wasn’t meta in seasons 2 and 3.

Flankers getting buffed to survive discord orb? Um no. If you are getting countered by Zen on a flanker then you’re terrible at the game. You counter him.

And tanks were buffed because they lost 1 tank, not because of discord specifically.

Oke, so you’ve checked and seen she isn’t always meta.

I’m not saying that they were buffed for that reason. I said that the buffs were the reason they could survive it. But my point stands, Zen is strong, always has been strong and disc is broken.

Like I said before:

Can you read?

She still appears at least 5 times in the top 10 across ALL SEASONS.

No. You said “to survive Zen”, not “could survive it”

discorb orb needs tuning down massively.


So you’re saying all the characters in the top 10 are meta?

They were buffed to be able to survive Zen, yes. Their stats were boosted so much so that they could not be pressured/controlled by disc orb. I’m not saying that the developers were making it a focus for all the characters to survive Zen.

But you’re just grasping for straws at the moment. Do you plan on going on in circles just because you have this need to win an argument at all costs? If so, you can take the win :slight_smile: We can’t have a constructive discussion if you’re just cherry picking things to support your claims.